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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 861

Andreas waited a long time for Ivor’s reply. The former could not help but ask again, “So, can I use your rose garden for my proposal?”

Ivor returned to his senses and agreed, “Of course you can. Although, if the girl you love accepts your proposal, you must invite me to the wedding.”

Andreas patted his chest, saying, “Consider it done!”

“Okay, just let me know when you need it. I’ll tell my butler and housekeepers to decorate the place for you,” Ivor replied. Then, he grinned when he thought about his future wedding with Bonnie.

‘I’ll organize the grandest wedding anyone has ever seen. Bonnie will feel just how much I love her.’

“I appreciate it, Ivor!” Andreas was overjoyed.

Ivor responded smilingly, “It’s no problem at all, Your Highness.”

Meanwhile, Bonnie succeeded in yet another project. She had developed an improved version of her hair remover, and it worked like magic, with no side effects on the human body. Once they started selling the hair removers, the stores sold out in ten minutes.

Simultaneously, the demand for it grew. Bonnie had achieved twice the sales she had expected. She knew she would have to credit Keenan for the massive success of this particular research. After all, the plant he had provided contained a component she needed for the hair remover.

Chapter 861 1

Chapter 861 2


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