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I Will Escape novel Chapter 105


We have been pushing ourselves to the limit on this journey to get Sabrina's scent is making me crazy. Wishing that this would be where we would save her, but knowing that there is not a chance of saving her right now. I am nervous about communicating with Sabrina’s wolf, not knowing what she has gone through. Hoping that I can bare what she says, terrified that it might break me. Her father shows no worry or concerns he's such a Stern hardheaded man, but in all honesty I just think that he hides it better than most.

I mind link the alpha “it is not far from here, probably about 50 more miles, and we will be there.” Hoping to pick up her scent again, worried that I may not find it this time around. Hoping that her scent is still there. Knowing that her father will be able to communicate to her Wolf very soon. What is supposed to be almost a 2 1/2 day journey was a one-day journey that we completed we got very little rest we both figured that we could get rest once we head home?

I am becoming nervous as we are approaching the area where I found Sabrina's scent. I'm nervous about what her wolf is going to say. I know that Sabrina is strong, and she will do whatever is necessary for her to stay alive. She probably is even planning her own vengeance towards the Alpha. I hate to think about his hands touching her body It makes me sick. I need to control myself I can't let my feelings get a hold of me.

All of a sudden, the breeze flutters my nose in the most amazing smell overwhelms me. I mind link the Alpha “Alpha this is the spot.”

He stops and smells around the area that her scent is flattering my snout. I see the Alpha it's like he almost goes into a trance his eyes turn a golden color. I am really not sure what to do as I watch him minutes are passing I am freaking out wondering what is being said to him. I wait, trying to be as patient as I can be even though I am desperate for information about her. I just want to know that she is ok.

As I am standing there waiting for him to come out of his trance. I see 3 wolves approaching are not sure what their intent will be. I try not to show my exhaustion or any kind of weakness. I stand strong and ready to defend my Alpha.

“What do we have here, two loner wolves that look to be a long way from home?”

“We don't want any trouble we will be on our way very soon.”

“Trouble why not we love Trouble it's so much fun?”


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