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I Will Escape novel Chapter 11

I was woken up by a knock on the door It unlocks and opens. I jump to sit up in bed, and I rub my eyes. I hear a familiar voice and oh my god it's Tonya! I look to see if that is really what I hear; her, my best friend. Oh my god, it is her! She looks up at me like she has seen a ghost saying she brought my lunch. Not knowing it was me at first she just stands there not moving. I get up and walk over to her. I grab the tray of food and thank her. I sit it down on the small table and I go to grab her by her hand. She pulled away, “Don't touch me!”

“Tonya, it's me Sabrina!”

She says, “I'm just here to bring you your lunch.”

“Tonya, I'm your best friend! We grew up together. We did everything together,” I said confusedly. 

She turned away and said, “I'll be back to get your tray when you finish your lunch.”

I just reply, “Ok...thank you.”

After getting my lunch I sit down at the table. I pick up my fork and pick at my chicken salad. I'm lost in thought wondering if she was okay. Having to endure what I have she must be excited to see me; unless the beta has sucked the life out of her. She seems okay. There's no visible bruises on her face. She seems to be the help, but the beta is his right-hand man so maybe she serves me.

As I hear a knock at the door it unlocks and Tonya walks in. She asks, “Are you done with your lunch?” I barely ate anything. I really wasn't that hungry. I want her to say something, but she doesn't say anything. She grabs my tray and goes to walk away, but she turns around and says, “Alpha will be back at 6pm. Make sure you're dressed for dinner,” and she leaves. I hear her lock the door behind her when she goes.

Tears start rolling down my face. I lost everyone that I have ever loved. Tonya has locked me in this room for the Alpha to come and do as he pleases to me.

Jazz says, “Stop Sabrina. You have me. I'm not going anywhere I promise. Tonya is just following her role. You know they will do terrible things if you disobey. You are going to have to leave her behind. She is submitted to the Alpha now.”

I fall asleep. I wake up and look at the clock and its 5:50 pm. I jump up. Oh, shit! I have 10 mins. I brush my hair and run my fingers through it. I put on a pair of black leggings and a long sweater I try to cover up my bruises, but there is no use.

I hear the bedroom door open and footsteps coming to the bathroom. He's standing in the doorway. I hear him say, “You look beautiful Sabrina.”

I say, “Thank you.”

“We are having dinner with my beta and his wife. Let's go,” he grabs my hand and leads me through his home. It is huge and it's nice to be out of the bedroom.

I see his beta. I'm looking for Tonya, but she's not there. Alpha says, “Hey man, I would like you to meet my Sabrina.”

He says, “Hello my wife is on her way. She is having morning sickness, so please excuse her if she gets up unexpectedly.”

I ask, “What is your wife's name?”

The Alpha turns to me and says, “Now don't play stupid Sabrina. You know his wife. It's your best friend Tonya.”

I look at him, “What are you talking about?”

He smiles, “Sabrina, behave and watch your tone. Let's have a nice evening.” 

“This is bullshit! How do you know that I had a best friend named Tonya?”

Alpha smiles, “Because she told me about you. How do you think I found you?”

“Wait, what are you saying?”


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