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I Will Escape novel Chapter 116

I can tell that the cabin is coming near. I can smell Tonya and Damien. I know that we are close. They have been in this area. I can smell them. I began to get excited for Tonya even though my body is weak, and I am exhausted, so I push myself to go faster. Wanting nothing more than to see my sister.

As I am getting closer, I'm not sure what I see. I then realize that it's not just Tonya and Damien that there are many others. Not sure what is happening, I stop, and I wait for my father and Dominic.

As we look over everyone, they seem like they know us, but I have no clue who they are. They bow down. I then notice my father is next to me. My father is their king. Then the unthinkable happens. My father then bows down to me. I'm shocked, not sure how to react. I stand with my head held high not showing any kind of weakness and that I am scared out of my mind.

I feel power that I have never felt before, not knowing what is happening. I try to look over the crowd to spot Tonya. I still don't see her wondering where she has gone. I'm not sure how to react to all of this, it's a little much. I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a leader of so many. What if I fail them or get them killed?

I get snapped out of my thoughts of fear when I hear “Sabrina is it really you oh my god Sabrina.”

I realize it is Tonya. I look for her in the crowd, but I don't see her wondering where she is coming from. Then I feel arms wrap around my wolves neck. I inhale Tonya's scent, so glad that we are together once again.

“I have missed you so much Sabrina I'm so sorry how things were the last time that we spoke to each other.”

“It's ok you wanted space for you and your mate it's ok Tonya I understand what happened wasn't your fault.”

“Sabrina, how are you so forgiving.”

There is no point being angry, especially at the people you love when it's totally out of their control.

“I missed you so much Sabrina.”

“Tonya, I would like to get a shower and take a rest for a little if that would be ok with you.”

“Oh my yes you're probably exhausted especially all you have been through.”


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