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I Will Escape novel Chapter 119


Dominic hasn't left my side. I am so lucky to have him as my mate. I can tell that he is worried about me. I have been so tired I have just been sleeping. Wanting to get the strength to be the leader that the pack needs, but my body is exhausted. I know that I'm wasting time resting, but I can't help myself. I am just so tired it's like I can't control myself. 

I'm shocked I'm not waking up to nightmares. It has been so long that I have been able to sleep through the night without screaming myself awake, it has to be because of Dominic. Being in his arms just makes me feel safe and relaxed. I love him so much that words could never express my feelings for him. I want to protect him at all times because I could never risk his life for anything. I love him too much. 

I love the affection that he shows to our baby. Especially when he is talking to my belly as he rubs it. When he kisses my belly I feel tingles in between my legs, wanting him so badly but too tired to fully react. It has been so long since I felt his touch; I have been longing for it. The feeling of being intimate gives me anxiety. I know that I should not feel this way, but I do.

What is wrong with me, he is my mate he would never do the things that Alex has done to me? I'm just exhausted from all of it. I don't want to be touched, not now. How do I tell him that I know he's going to expect it, but I'm just not ready? I don't want to make him feel bad or angry. So, I don't make it noticeable that he is making me react to him. Knowing that I do not want to act on it. I pretend that he isn't affecting me, not in wanting to fuck him kind of way.

I am feeling better, not sure how long it has been, but I'm starting to feel fully rested, shocked by how good it feels. Loving not being so damn tired and weak. I hate feeling that way. I don't want anyone to see me as weak. They would be terribly misled. 

I set up in bed, looking around, wondering where Dominic is. I feel jazz trying to speak to me; I want to ignore her, but I know I need to forgive her because she is my wolf. As hard as it may be to forgive her I remember everything we have been through, and she is what kept me strong and not give up. I think that is why her betrayal was so hard to take. I decide it's time to forgive her and let her speak out knowing it's the right thing to do; I need her just as much as she needs me.

“Sabrina, we need to choose a Beta. I have a person in mind now that you are their leader.”


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