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I Will Escape novel Chapter 122

I can see that she is surprised to see me there are no words coming out of her mouth. She stares. I wonder what she's thinking as she walks towards me and her arms go around me. I love feeling the tightness in her hug as I can feel a breath leaving her chest. I can tell that she is relieved. Enjoying the warmth from her hug, I never want to let her go. We've always been there for others no matter what life brings. It's crazy how life has changed so dramatically, but our bond is still as strong, if not stronger. I let her hug me as long as she needed to. I am so grateful that we are finally together once again enjoying her scent.

She finally let me go as I looked at her. I smile, being so happy at this moment. I can tell she is trying to hold her tears back. “God, Sabrina I was so worried I wasn't sure what was going to happen this time I didn't know if he was going to kill you.”

“No need to worry any longer, Tonya I am back, and I am not going anywhere ever again, I promise.”

“Sabrina I am so shocked by Bridget's betrayal I really never thought that she would do the things that she had done. I don't know what I would do if I had seen her again and probably killed her.”

“You do nothing, what she has done was not her fault, you and I both know first hand the control that Alex has on others.”

“Sabrina, how could you say that she made you suffer for months, and you just forgive her like that.”?

“There is no reason to hate her; she was protecting the people that she loves.”

“I would have done the same thing for you. I would do anything to protect you just like you would do anything to protect me.”

I can see the shame fill her eyes knowing that I am right that what Bridget did was terrible, but she did what she had to do to protect those who she loved I don't want Tonya to hate her we need to just forgive and forget especially when Bridget comes back I want her to be welcomed like family.


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