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I Will Escape novel Chapter 125

I am getting tired. I know that I want to fight them and defeat the devil's pack, but I also want to live. I want to enjoy my life, especially the life that's growing inside of me. As I began to walk back to the cabin to help the ladies prepare dinner. I hear the laughter of children as I look over. I see 3 little girls playing so full of life. Smiles on their faces living the life that is given to them.

I realized that this is the reason why I can't give up I need to fight for them, so they will have a future that will not be torture but has happiness. I feel that this is my responsibility to make sure we all can live and not have to fight so damn hard.

As I am getting closer one of the little girls runs over to me ''Hi Alpha do you want to play with us."

Knowing I have so much to do but god a break from my life would be amazing "Hello sweetheart that sounds wonderful what are you playing."

She runs up to and tags my leg "tag your it." She says as she is running away, giggling.

My heart fills up with so much love just in this moment as I chase these 3 little girls around. I tagged them and threw them up in the air and listened to their giggles, enjoying being with them. 

As I watch an older woman who approaches me, unsure who she is but knowing she is in my pack by feeling her loyalty to my pack. She goes to bow. I look at her and smile, "that is unnecessary."

She smiles at me "that is out of respect, my alpha. You look like you're really enjoying yourself."

"Actually, I really am. I'm having a lot of fun. I'm really not sure of the last time that I have had this much fun."

"These children are all orphans because of what the devil's pack has done to their families."

My smile of happiness quickly fades once I find out the truth. I am so heartbroken for these kids that their parents have been wrongfully murdered. It's unfair what the devil's pack has done to so many.

"So are you their parent."

"Yes, I am their aunt. I was too late to save my sister, but I was able to save her girls. I was able to get them out before they were captured."

I then think to myself that most of the women who are captured are not killed, they are turned into slaves. They are forced to do unthinkable things, and they probably wish that they would have killed them. I don't tell her this, I don't want to give her false hope that her sister could be alive. Knowing that her sister probably will never be the person she was before.

"I'm so sorry that has happened, I'm hoping that we will be able to make them pay for all the wrong that they have done."


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