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I Will Escape novel Chapter 128


As I am waking up, Dominic is not there. I am sort of disappointed not to wake up next to him. Thinking that he probably had things to do. I am so relieved that we could talk, but I still feel so empty, wishing that I could just move on. I hate that Alex still has this much power over me. I am not sure how to get back to myself. As I go to get up off the bed I hear commotion. I'm not sure what it is. Realizing it is probably just pack members training.

As I open the door I don't see anybody I started wondering where Emily Tiffany and Sandra are. They should be preparing for what meals are to be cooked for today. I began yelling for them when they didn't answer me. I'm surprised. As I am opening the door I say Hello is anyone here all I want is for someone to just answer me, but I get no response. Wondering where hell 8s everyone.

I then try to mind link Damien, but it's like he's not there, it's blank. What the fuck I want to go out to find what is happening as I'm walking down the hall. All of a sudden I feel a pain that I never felt before. It is so horrible that I fall to my knees and scream out and anguish. It almost feels like my heart is being ripped out of my chest and my blood is being drained from my body. I try to gain some composure back, but there's no use, I then feel like I'm being stabbed all over. I have no idea what this pain is, but it's taking my breath away. I know that I'm going to faint from all the pain. I can't control it, everything just goes black.

When I finally awake up, I notice it is nighttime it is pitch black I see nothing I hear nobody. I struggled to my feet trying to get my footing. I began to brush my hand against the wall trying to feel for the light switch. When I find it, I hit the light switch and it does not turn on.

As I began walking through the dark cabin, I tried to find my way. I reach out my hands in front of me hoping I don't fall. I then feel the kitchen counter. I try to feel for the drawers. Desperately looking for a flashlight. Once I found the drawers, I began opening each drawer hoping to find a flashlight. Once I found one I am so grateful. I turn it on and just to find that everything in the cabin is trashed. As I start to panic knowing that something has happened.

I try desperately to mind link Dominic, Damien and Tonya and there is nothing. I then realized that something awful has taken place as I'm trying to make it to the door. I'm thinking to myself, do I really want to see what I'm about to see? I'm terrified knowing what I am about to see isn't going to be good.

As I slowly open the door a smell comes over my nostrils, it almost makes me gag. I put my hand over my face trying to block out the smell but it is not working. It's so dark I have trouble seeing. As I point the flashlight outside the door. All I see is smoke and sticks coming out of the ground. I notice that there is something on top of the stick. I point my flashlight at it to find out what it is, but I'm too far to see as I get closer the smell is becoming stronger it smells like death. Once I become closer, I then figure out what I'm looking at. I blink a couple time I am in disbelief I Then realized that my worst fears are confirmed it is a pack members head I put my hands over my mouth to prevent my scream to be loud as I'm back up I trip and drop my flashlight when look I see what I tripped over I then see rest of him.


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