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I Will Escape novel Chapter 15

I hear a knock at the door. It wakes me up and I jump up. It's none other than the monster himself; the Alpha. “Hello my beautiful Sabrina. You look amazing wearing just my coat.” I completely forget that I am naked due to shifting earlier. “I brought you clothes. Get dressed,” he says. He hands me my clothes. 

I just look at him. “Can I have some privacy,” I ask.

He simply just says, “No. Get dressed now.” 

“Fine,” I say. As I'm starting to get dressed he watches my every move like I'm going to do a magic trick or something. Once I'm dressed he tells his Beta he can come in. The Beta runs in to check on Tonya. He kisses her and lays down beside her. 

The Alpha says, “Let's go now.” He reaches his hand out to me, I ask him if can I tell Tonya goodbye. He says, “Yes. Hurry up.” I hug her and tell her goodbye not knowing when I would get to see her again. Then I grab a hold of Alpha's hand not really wanting consequences. I do as I'm told since he let me say goodbye to Tonya.

We walk out of the room. People are everywhere. Some helpings clean up the mess, putting small fires out, picking up what looks to be debris, helping others, and treating the injured. Once the Alpha is in the hall we start walking. You could hear cheering and clapping praising him for a battle won I guess. He grabs onto my hand pulling me along. I ask him to slow down, but he is silent, and he grabs me harder. We get out of the hospital, and there is a car waiting for us. He turns around and says, “Get in.” So I get into the car, and he gets in right beside me.

I fall asleep as we are driving to where ever we are going. The Alpha wakes me up when we get there. I'm half sleeping getting out of the car. He grabs my hand and I follow him inside. It looks to be a cabin. When we get inside he locks the door. “Come. Let's get cleaned up.” He starts undressing. I shy away from him. He says, “Sabrina, please don't make me ask twice.” He turns the water on to warm it up as I'm getting undressed. He jumps in the shower.


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