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I Will Escape novel Chapter 19

.I wake up to birds chirping. I'm freezing laying in the bushes naked. I use my wolf hearing to see if I can hear anyone else around me. I concentrate as much as I can, and I hear leaves ruffling. I can't tell if its from people walking, animals, or simply just the wind. I'm terrified to move knowing that if the Alpha finds me there will be hell to pay. Getting caught means I might never have the chance to escape him again.

As I hide in the bushes I hear nothing for what seems to be hours, so I decide to get up from my spot. I'm hungry and dehydrated. I won't be able to run as fast now until I eat and drink. Jazz responds, "Go into your wolf form, and I'll catch us something to eat."

I ask, "Wait, how are we going to cook it?"

Jazz laughs, "We aren't going to. I'm going to kill it and eat it ."

"Eeww," I respond.

"You won't think that when I'm done." I decide to shift letting Jazz take over. She catches a bunny.

As we are ripping through the fur and flesh it's delicious; mind blowingly delicious. I get so overwhelmed with excitement I howl. "Oh fuck! I'm sorry! We need to go just in case someone else heard that."

I start running terrified that someone heard me. Jazz said, "Keep clam and concentrate on running," so I do.

All of a sudden I feel a big pinch in my side. I look and it's a dart. Son of a bitch! I say to Jazz, "I got us caught! I'm sorry."

I collapse and I see a man walking up to me saying, "Hey, she is worth a hell of a lot of money," then they high five and I'm out.

As I start coming to I feel like I'm over someone's shoulder. I listen to them. They're talking to each other. I hear them say, "She should be out for a couple of hours before the Alpha gets here."

That's when I smile and say, "Are you ready Jazz?"


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