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I Will Escape novel Chapter 6

All I feel is pain. My head is pounding and I'm chained to a bed. Where the chains touches my wrist and ankles it burns. My skin feels like its on fire. Jazz responds, “It's silver. We are sensitive to silver. It burns our skin.”

I ask, 'How didn't I know that?”

“Your parents never told you?”

“No they didn't tell me anything about it. We really didn't talk much werewolf talk.”

Jazz responds and says, “I will teach what you need to know, but stay strong. No matter what we will get through this together. I hear noises, so I shut my eyes to pretend to be out. It sounds like...oh my god it sounds like Tonya! It can't be her, can it?

Jazz says with constraint in her voice, “You will be able to hear her. Your wolf hearing is amazing. You can do it Sabrina!”

I strain as much as I can with my head pounding. I can't know for sure if it's her, but she says, “You promised you wouldn't hurt her.” I hear a slap and a whimper

“You said she would be easy to make submit. That she would be eating out of my hand following every command. Instead, she is being a pain in my ass.” I know that's the Alpha because his stern voice is very noticeable. 

“I'm sorry Sabrina is weak. She will submit to you, I know her better than anyone else. Even her own mother didn't know her as well as I do. Trust me you're just going to have to make her realize she is no one else but yours.”

“You better be right Joyce because if you're not you will pay the consequences of your actions.”

“Yes Alpha I will. What are you going to do to her?”

“That's none of your business get out now.”

“Yes Alpha.” I hear footsteps leaving and then I hear them coming towards me. I try to pretend I'm still out of it as he gets close. I start to shake, and he knows I'm awake.


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