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I Will Escape novel Chapter 76

When we are all down the tree, we all start to shift into our wolves. We take off and follow Dominic, he knows the area better than anybody. Knowing that we are getting close to their territory, I realized how sad everyone is about to become. The sight of it was awful not understanding how anybody could do such a horrible things. Killing innocent people that have done nothing but welcome those who are unwanted to form their packs.

As I run up beside Dominic to make sure that he is okay, I can see that his wolf is crying and tears are streaming down his face. I feel so bad but there's nothing I can do. The territory is burned to the ground with not one building standing they made sure of that. Seeing what they have done makes me want to get my vengeance even more not for myself but for all those people that they have hurt.

They just continue to hurt people and not have to pay for it, well that is about to come to an end. I can tell the Dominic is getting tired he is starting to slow down. There is no time for this as much as I want to stay with them. I am afraid that they are going to slow me down more than help me.

 Jazz then comes in, “Sabrina you cannot give up on them they are your family.” You need to be there for them as much as possible.”

I know Jazz, “It’s only the scary thought of being captured again that is terrifying to me.”

“I just can't I can’t!” Jazz remember ,”What you have always said to me?”

“No attachments.”

Jazz then responds, “ And like you always said Sabrina, “What is a life without having people that love you in it ?” It’s a life not worth fighting for.”

Your right Jazz I need them as much as they need me. I then ask Jazz, “How do I mind link Dominic?”

She explains to me, “Just concentrate only on Dominic and say what you need to say.” I concentrate on the Dominic as much as I can and I say Dominic we need to find a place to sleep for the night, and maybe hunt, so we can eat.


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