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I Will Escape novel Chapter 85

I decided to check on my sister not sure how she is feeling about all of this. It has to be difficult for her. Having all these memories come back to the surface from all the pain the Beta inflicted. Even if she's going to get her revenge it still has to be difficult to see him in the flesh. I prepare myself the best I can as I walk into her room. I can tell that she is upset. I want to make her feel better and take the pain away. It's just not that easy.

“Tonya are you okay?”

“Honestly I don't know what I am anymore. I'm so pissed at Damien he is such a coward. For him not wanting revenge on the man that raped and abused me.”

“Tonya I don't think he really understands what all happened to you. Did you ever tell anyone? I know you never told me.”

“I am embarrassed on half of the things that he has done to me, I never told anyone. He shared me with other werewolves when I would misbehave. He would allow them to do as they please.”

“Tonya, I'm so sorry that happened to you.”

“Sabrina I couldn't get my wolf to come because she was too scared. I was so weak and I just gave up. I submitted to that bastard, so he would stop the abuse.”

“Tonya you did what you had to do to survive. You had no other choice but to submit. That does not mean that you gave up you are strong a survivor.”

“Sabrina the pain was unbearable. Every time he raped and tortured me, I did not have my wolf to help ease any of it. I couldn't take it. I tried to kill myself multiple times. Just to end all of it, but he would not allow me to die.”

“Tonya they are not in control of our life anymore. We are in control of what we want in our life. We are never going back to that life of torture ever again.”

“Sabrina when I saw him it made my skin crawl. I just wanted to rip out his fucking throat. I am so full of rage and sometimes it's hard for me to control it. I feel there is a power in me that is still undiscovered. Once it comes out, I don't know what's going to happen.”

“I understand that Tonya. I wanted to kill him, but I knew that he was not my kill that he needs to feel the pain you felt. He deserves to be killed by your hands not mine.”

“Sabrina he will pay for every ounce of pain he has caused us. I will not kill him, but let him suffer from failing his Alpha.”

“Tonya we can not let him run back to his Alpha. They will attack and kill our mates. Then we will be captured for sure. There isn't enough of us to defeat them.”

“Sabrina do you think his Alpha will let him live? Let him live after he fails to do as he is told. He won't let him go without consequences for his failure.”

“Tonya we are not ready to fight the Alpha. We need to be prepared, we can't just go in blind.”

“Sabrina I'm tired, can we finish this in the morning.”

“Of course, Tonya I love you.”


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