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I Will Escape novel Chapter 94

Dominic's POV

It's been weeks since they have taken Sabrina I am getting very impatient waiting here for Sam and her father to come back hoping that they come back soon. I struggle to feel Sabrina through our mate bond we have, but I feel nothing, not understanding how I don't feel he. My brother and Tanya try to be my friend, but I can't stand to look at them if they only had listened to Sabrina in the first place none of this would have happened if they would only be allowed her to go with them, but they denied her. The betrayal of my sister makes me sick in my stomach how she could trade someone's life so. She has not been back by no surprise to me that alpha either killed her or took her also such a young stupid girl. I can feel myself growing cold without Sabrina by my side. There is no care in my world. I tried to fight it I seek to be good, but anger overcomes me. I don't talk I don't have anything to say I'm silent I'm in such a rage I know I would disappoint Sabrina in me but fuck I'm so fucking mad at her, she turned herself over to that monster.

I go for runs every night struggling to keep my sanity. I have been running to different towns trying to ask around about wolves in the area, but the humans around here are so blind and fucking stupid I get nowhere. I demand to plan an an approach to get Sabrina back if her father never comes, I'm still going to make certain she is set free even if I die trying. I hate this life without her here I need to focus on saving her I'm not even certain how to start. The Devil's Pack has moved from their old surrounding area, not sure where to even start on trying to track them. I'm not even sure The reason behind not being adequate to scent how she is doing it's all blank you're supposed to be capable to scent her with my mate bond if she is in pain or anything for that matter, but I feel nothing. I know he cannot remove her mark from her body, but how is he blocking her scent it makes no sense to me. There is no way I can even track her how is her father going to be able if I can't.

I've been out running for hours now I know I need to head back I'm getting tired the sun is rising it's my bedtime. So, I decide to turn around and start heading back to the cabin hoping Damien and Tanya are sleeping I do not wish to deal with them I'm too tired I just prefer to go lay down and take a rest, so I can come back to seek answers. As I'm sneaking back into the cabin I'm trying to be as quiet as possible with it only being 6:00 AM, I don't prefer to wake anybody. Especially because all they do is worried about me, I just I don't need to talk about it right now. I need to get myself through this, and I will, it's just taking more time than we want they would like it to.

It's so dark inside the cabin I then trip over the rug and make a loud crashing sound As I fall face forward to the ground I can't help but to laugh out loud It's the first time I have laughed since Sabrina has been gone. Tonya and my brother, I can hear them getting up probably to come out to see what the hell happened to make sure nobody has broken in.

“What happened here Dominic are you ok?”

“I fine I tried to be quit, so I didn't wake you, but that did not work out do to me falling on my face.”

"You dumb ass how do you trip over a rug, especially when you not even drunk you dumb idiot.”


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