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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 307

In a fit of anger, I raised my leg and kicked Ashton off the bed. Completely caught off guard, he rolled off and landed on the carpeted floor, which undoubtedly cushioned his fall.

He sat up almost instantly and looked at me with a mixture of exasperation and amusement, the blazing fire in him seemingly doused. With his gaze still fixed on me, he growled, “You’ve got guts, Scarlett!”

I clutched my head and ignored his remark. Glaring at him, I spat, “If you touch me again, it won’t be so simple as getting kicked off the bed.”

With that, I pulled the blanket over myself, making sure to wrap it firmly around me before closing my eyes to sleep.

I didn’t expect that even without doing anything, Ashton would continue gazing at me with a sexually frustrated look on his face. After a long time, he finally went to the bathroom with a sulky expression.

With everything that happened, my head was hurting so badly I couldn’t fall asleep at all.

I fumbled for my phone and went through my contacts for John’s number.

The person who answered the call was a woman instead of John. Her voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t seem to recall who it was.

Hence, I merely said, “Hi, I’m looking for John.”

The woman replied calmly, “He’s in the shower. He’ll probably be out in about five minutes. If you trust me enough, you can tell me and I’ll relay your message to him. If you don’t want to, you can call again after five minutes.”

I paused briefly before explaining, “I need his help to keep an eye on Marcus’ funeral matters as well as Sally. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Ms. Stovall,” the woman responded in an amicable tone. After thanking her again, I hung up the call.

I still couldn’t put my finger on the woman’s identity, so I simply chose to set it aside.

Not long after I ended the call, Ashton came out of the bathroom with some vapor still clinging to his body. After wiping himself dry, he climbed into bed.

To avoid him, I deliberately turned so that my back was facing him. When he pulled me against his chest, I immediately tried to squirm out.

However, he caged me in with his arms and coaxed, “Behave. I won’t touch you.”

I pursed my lips and huffed, “Go away. I can’t sleep with you so close to me.”

“You have two choices. Either we sleep like this, or I’ll pull you closer to me. Of course, if you wanna join bodies, I’m all for it too. So, what’s it going to be, hmm?”


News of Marcus’ death blew up the next day. Many citizens pointed fingers at Sally, accusing her of plotting the death of the family of three so that she could have White Corporation all to herself.


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