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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 308

Folding her arms across her chest, she looked at me with her alluring eyes and continued, “It’s a wonder how Cameron managed to climb to such a high position over the years, but of course, she has her fair share of dirty secrets. It just so happens that I’m in possession of those secrets. Don’t you think handing them over to the Moore family would be much faster than investigating on your own?”

A crease formed between my brows. “Why would you help me?”

She laughed as though I had just asked a stupid question. “The child in your belly was my grandnephew. Isn’t that a good enough reason?”

I scoffed in response. “It’s probably been at least three months since the incident, right? And you probably knew about it for quite some time already, yet, you’re only telling me this now. Do you think I’d actually believe that you’re doing all this just for your grandnephew?”

Her reason was blatantly implausible.

She let out a tinkling laugh and remarked, “I finally understand why my father allowed an ordinary woman like you to marry Ashton. Even though you’re not that smart, at least you still have some brains.”

I narrowed my eyes into slits. She’s obviously mocking me!

“What do you want from me?” I asked and subconsciously glanced at my watch.

“I want you to tell your godfather, Louis, to get the police to stop investigating the White family!” She leaned against the wine cabinet beside her, taking up a casual posture.

Stop investigating the White family? Won’t that mean that she can legally take over White Corporation and become the chairperson?

With Marcus gone, no one would be able to lay a hand on White Corporation except her.

I smiled politely and replied in a cool tone, “Ms. Fuller, I think it’s best we find time to sit down and properly discuss this matter. This isn’t something that should be hastily settled with a few casual words. Anyway, I’m meeting a friend soon, so let’s talk some other time.”

She frowned but didn’t argue. Narrowing her eyes, she agreed, “Sure. We’ll talk some other time.”

After leaving the villa, I drove straight to the meeting place. When I arrived, Stacey was already waiting for me.

From her empty coffee cup, I could tell that she had been waiting here for quite some time.

Upon seeing me, she glanced at her watch and raised her brows. “You’re half an hour late, Ms. Stovall.”


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