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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 560

It did not take long for Zachary to return to the hospital too.

Taking it as a cue for us to leave, Ashton and I left. Since I had nothing on my schedule, I could only follow Ashton to Fuller Corporation.

In the car, Ashton peeked over at me several times. He finally spoke when we stopped at a traffic light. “Are you okay?”

With a slight delay, I replied, “I’m not feeling stellar for sure, but I don’t know how to explain the relationship between my mother and me. It’s somewhat sad that we have to be wary of the way we behave around each other.”

“Have you decided to let it go?” He pursed his lips and asked.

Matching his gaze, I sighed. “What other choice do I have?”

He agreed.

“This is why we should have another child together. After all, you can’t simply disown your family.” Then, I paused and continued, “Grandma would be happy to know that I found my biological parents.”

Nodding, Ashton held my hand and smiled. “Yes, she would be.”

At Fuller Corporation, Ashton parked his car by the entrance and pulled me into the office.

Since I’ve returned to K City, I’ve been involved in various rumors.

That somewhat makes me a familiar face around here.

As such, when we walked into the building together, everyone who saw us would greet, “Hello, Mr. Fuller and Mrs. Fuller.”

I had to keep the smile on my face until we reached the elevator, where I finally let out a sigh of relief. “It’s hard work to be Mrs. Fuller,” I complained.

Ashton mused, “You’ll get used to it.”

I shrugged. What else can I do about it?

As Ashton had to rush to a meeting, Joseph waited for him in front of the elevator with several documents in his hands. Not wanting to leave me hanging, Ashton said, “Wait for me in my office. If you are tired, you can take a nap. I will find you as soon as my meeting is over, okay?”

I nodded in response and watched him enter the conference room with Joseph. It was getting busy there since the big break was coming up.

“Ms. Stovall!” Someone behind me called out. I froze momentarily and turned to see a familiar face. However, I could not recall the person’s name.

“Hello!” I greeted with a smile plastered on my face.

Seeing how polite and distant I seem, the woman chuckled. “Ms. Stovall, I’m Isabelle. I was working for Fuller Corporation in J City and was transferred here recently. I’m in the Finance Department.”

It rang a bell in my head. Previously, I met her when I was working on a project with Caleb.

Naturally, I broke into a grin. “Wow, it’s almost five years since I’ve seen you. I’m sorry, I couldn’t recall your name for a split second.”


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