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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 561

While she admired him, it did not mean she could attain his heart.

To keep myself entertained, I randomly picked up a book to read but unknowingly, I fell asleep after some time.

When I woke up from my nap on the sofa, I found a blanket over my body. The room was dim, as though someone had adjusted the lights.

Scanning the room, I did not spot Ashton. He is probably still in the meeting. For some time, I continued to lie there before I willed myself to sit up. It was chilly, and I wrapped the blanket around my body tightly for more warmth.

While I was still in a daze, someone pushed the door open.

It was Joseph. Seeing that I was awake, he quickly fussed, “Mrs. Fuller, are you hungry? Do you crave anything? I will order it for you this instant!”

“What’s the time now?” I curiously asked. Looking out of the windows, I noted that it was already dark outside.

He promptly responded, “It’s eight.”

“Is Ashton still in the meeting?” I frowned.

“The international conference ended, but there is still more to discuss over the AI. Mr. Fuller wants you to have a bite first,” Joseph reported.

“Has he eaten?”

“No.” Joseph shook his head.

With some thought, I requested, “Can you order two sets of steak and two glasses of milk? I would like it to be hot. Additionally, please get one portion of dessert too.”

Then, I paused to look at the man standing by the door. “Mr. Campbell, have you eaten?”

Although he was stunned that I was referring to him, he answered honestly, “No.”

Clicking my tongue, I changed my order. “You poor thing. In that case, please order three sets of steak. If you want anything else, please feel free to order them for yourself. Mr. Fuller will be paying for it.”

Laughing, he nodded and left.

Following that, I went to the bathroom to wash my face and pick out one of Ashton’s clothes from his closet in the lounge to wear.

By the time I came out, Joseph was already there with the meal boxes.

I glanced at the clock again. It’s getting late, but Ashton is still in the meeting.

Huffing, I decided to make a trip to the conference room.

Joseph followed behind me without the intention of stopping me.

At first, it felt normal, but halfway there, I realized that something was not right.

Turning to look at the man trailing behind me, we exchanged looks, and he meekly chuckled.

Something must be up. “How many people are there in the meeting?” I probed.

“Two!” He chimed.

“Who are the two?”


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