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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 10

"I believe there must be some misunderstanding! Or maybe Danny was muddleheaded to forget to put it in. I'll call him and ask him later! !" Clair Zhang was the daughter of the CEO of the Kang's group. If she failed to steal anything from her handbag, she would definitely make a scene and even displease Paul. Then no one would dare to come to the party she organized, which was not good for her sponsorship!

"We can't accuse Helen unjustly! How about we call Danny right now? Then Helen can be proved innocent! "

"Yes! We can't wrong a person, no matter how expensive or cheap clothes he or she wears. Or we will be said that we look down upon him or her! In other words, we can't tell right from wrong! "

"Yes! We call him now! "

There were a lot of people here waiting to see a good show.

Hilda was in a dilemma. She didn't know what to do.

At this time, a man's voice broke the public opinion. "Has the thing been returned?"

The same confused as others, Angela looked up and saw Edward striding over. The night breeze ruffled his elegant hair. He had an expressionless face and a serious and handsome face, which made people unable to take their eyes off him. He ignored other people and walked to Angela, "Didn't you say that you would wait for me in the backyard?"

"? ? ?" Angela was dumbfounded.

The people around him were shocked speechless. He pretended to look at the gift box casually and frowned. "Oh! Since you have already given her the gift, can we go back and continue? "

Then he led her away in a hurry.

Angela was so shocked that she couldn't react, and the people present felt unbelievable. Seeing their retreating figures, the crowd was boiling with rage!

"Oh my God! Isn't that the CEO of the DC Capital Group, Edward? "

"It is said that Mr. Edward is always cold to women."

"It's him! The day before yesterday, there was news that he drank with several male relations. Why today... "

"Could it be that He likes both men and women?"

"Just now, Edward said let's continue. What are they going to continue? What a surprise! Ha-ha-ha... "

"Is there something wrong with the aesthetic of Mr. Edward? That woman also doesn't look pretty... "

"Isn't it to deceive the public?"

"What do you mean?"

"He wants to have a mistress and proves that he is a normal man to retrieve the image of the company. In fact, he still liked men! Is it right, Hilda? "

Before junior high school, Hilda didn't hide the fact that Edward was her brother, but she couldn't stand that every friend getting along well with her consciously or unconsciously ended up taking advantage of her to pursue her brother because of her outstanding brother. Even her best friends broke with her because of it.

Although Hilda didn't like others to speak ill of her brother, she also suspected that her brother might have an affair in that aspect. Hearing her friend's question, she smiled awkwardly, "Well, maybe."

"By the way, Hilda, why did Edward come here?"

Hilda touched her nose with a guilty conscience and pretended to be confused. "Yes, you are right! Why is he here? "

"If that woman called Angela was extra Edward's mistress, how could she care about a necklace just worth 300 thousand?"

"I heard that the background of the DC Capital Group is not simple. A few days ago, I got the news that actually, the DC Capital Group is also invested by Jonson Yan. Edward Yan, Jonson Yan, and could it be said that Edward is an illegitimate son of Jonson Yan? "

"In just seven years, Edward made the DC Capital Group become the most important real estate company in S City and even the country. I don't think his background is that simple! If he was indeed the son of Jonson Yan, it made sense! If so, Edward was not simply a talented young man, an MBA. He would turn nose up at even a necklace worth 3 million, let alone one just cost 300 thousand. "

Outside the villa, Angela broke away from Edward, "What's wrong with you! Don't you know that if you take me out like this, they will think that I am afraid of being found out to escape my punishment! "

Somehow, Angela knew that the man was not the one to be blamed for every trouble, but he was really unlucky. Every time he met her bad luck, it made her couldn't help losing her temper.

Edward simply didn't want it becoming a big deal, so as to ruin Hilda's business circle. Seeing that she wanted to turn back, he hurriedly pulled her back. "You think too much. They won't notice who you are. But..."

But he was afraid that she would be famous for his action!

"Do you know? If Hilda misunderstood that I stole her necklace, I wouldn't even have a place to live! " She spluttered, "Why do you add insult to injury every time I encounter bad things?"


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