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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 11

Mr. Edward's reason was much better than others and it is rare to see he get emotional, Aaron did not want to miss. He secretly took out his mobile phone and took a picture of it, then he sneered, "it turns out that you are not vulgar, but it depends on who the person is!"

Then, a murderous stare was shot at him. Aaron turned around and intended to leave. "I'm going to send a gift to Hilda. You'd better calm down."

He needed time to calm down indeed

On Sunday morning, the bright sunshine scattered through the curtains on the bed. The whole room was cozy.

After rolling over and stretching, she opened her eyes.

She was driven out the night before last, and she had no place to stay. She was so upset that she couldn't fall asleep. But she had a good sleep last night!

Just as she finished washing her face and brushing her teeth, Hilda came back.

With a weary face, Hilda thumped onto the sofa. "What's wrong?" asked Angela, as she walked up to her

She rubbed her temples, "I had a fight with Helen."

"Because of the necklace?"

"You can say that!" She looked up at Angela and stood up, "she worried that I would be cheated again, so she worked with Danny to set a trap for you and test you. Am I really so stupid to make the judgment? And her behavior is really annoying... "

It was obvious that Hilda was angry.


"Haven't you found the necklace?"

"What she did by ask Danny to buy another necklace just for make up for her fault."

That was to say, the necklace was missing. Was she still the leading suspect?

She couldn't help but frown.

Hilda shook her head and said, "Helen is too self-absorbed. She always thinks her own judgment is right and insists that it is you who stole it. I believe in you. I argued with her as I got agitated."

In fact, Hilda had also suspected Angela, but Edward told her that Angela couldn't steal the necklace. So, it must be Helen who insisted on blaming Angela for stealing the necklace and slandering others' reputation. She didn't want a friend like her in bad character!

But after all, they had been friends for seven years. It was a lie to say that she was not sad!

Angela thought for a while and sighed, "ah! No wonder she is so strange. It's the first time I met her and she is so hostile to me. It seems that she's worried about you. "

She could understand the feeling. She had worried about Christa a lot in the past, but she didn't expect that Christa would treat her like this

At the thought of that, the light in her eyes dimmed. Without noticing her facial expression, Hilda asked in surprise, "is that so? Is she worried about me? "

"Yes! I guess she just want to test me because she's afraid you recruit some bad roommates. "

"Well, it makes sense. I met some bad roommates before and seduced my ex-boyfriend."

"That makes sense, but Where is the necklace? "

Angela was deep in thought.

Without noticing the slightest trace of fury on her face, Hilda curiously asked, "aren't you angry? Why does she suspect you so much? "

"What?" She smiled, "I don't know her. It's normal for her to suspect a stranger. Why should I be angry?"

All she wanted now was to get back that necklace!

Noticing that she was lost in thought again, Hilda was in a trance state for a while. The girl in front of her was a little different from what she had met before.

It was the first time that they had met. She was so vigilant and shrewd that she didn't dare to drink the water she gave her.

When she was making the Chicken Curry, she was reading the instructions in the apps and cooking calmly and wisely;

She retorted upon Helen without showing any mercy when she confronted suspicions last night. Like a rose with thorns, she has a very strong sense of self-protection.

Angela looked innocent, but not coquettish. She seemed to have a high IQ and a good Eq. she was really a remarkable woman!

Was that the reason why her brother keep asking things about her in an unusual behavior?

At this moment, Angela's phone rang. It was a strange number, but she still answered.


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms