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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 102

Seeing his confused eyes, Angela said mysteriously, "you are so wise, Mr. Edward. Of course you know what it means."

"A perfect match?" Although Edward knew that she pretended to be asleep that night and didn't get up to beat him, she wouldn't agree so easily. But he just couldn't help teasing her with a smile.

Is it mean a perfect match? Why didn't she expect that he could explain it in this way? She compared her fingers and said, "I'll give you a hint. Two beads, two!"

"In pairs?" He raised his eyebrows and reached out to hold her hand.

At the beginning, she kept a great distance from him. In order not to scare her away, he behaved himself. Now, he knew that she didn't push him away, so he would get closer to her.

Angela's hand shrank, showing a rather speechless expression. Although she knew that he was deliberately flirting her, she smiled and said, "I know Mr. Edward know the meaning behind the bead."

Then she left the office.

An hour later, Edward called Aaron.

"Two beads? Does it mean in pairs?" Aaron smiled deliberately.

"If she agree so easily, it won't be Angela." He felt a little disappointed but also proud.

"A perfect match?"

"It's not that easy to guess."

"It's said that the brain of boys in the science and technology department can't be explored by ordinary people. First Angela studied science and engineering, now she's transferred to arts. I think it will be easier for you to find a science and technology geek."

Edward was speechless "..."

"Ordinary women are already very complicated, but no matter how complicated they are, they can't compare with boys in science and technology. But then again, no matter how complicated a woman was, couldn't them all yield to lipstick and bag in the end? Only you have the guts and can try to decipher Angela's mind. You ignored the simple minded woman that is so easy to be cheated, but have to find a free horse!"

There were a lot of women that want to throw themselves at him. However, he didn't want those voluntaries to come to him, but wanted to tame the wild horse, Angela.

On the other end of the phone, Edward kept silent for a long time and then replied, "maybe I'm out of my mind."

At first, Aaron thought Edward chased after Angela because he wanted to continue the good sex life between them after being single for such a long time. However, three months had passed, but Edward was still shut out from her heart. If it was really just physical greed, it was not difficult to find a replacement. But now, not only did Edward endure it, but he also spent time playing the game of youth dating with Angela. And when he said that, there was a hint of happiness in his tone by said that he was out of his mind

He was in love! How could Edward, a man who was almost qualified to shaved his hair and entered the temple, had a desire for women?


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