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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 103


"Ha-ha..." She sneered, "Christa, don't treat others as idiots!"

With Greg's arrogant character, it was impossible for him to say such humble words to her. Moreover, if he didn't want to marry Mary, he wouldn't agree even if someone put a knife on his neck.

Until Angela's back disappeared, Christa didn't come to her senses for a long time.

In the past, Angela would never doubt what she said. Now, even if she made up the story carefully, she couldn't deceive her.

In the past, they were like crossed lines. Once they crossed paths, they would only drifted apart...

Trust was accumulated day by day. But to destroy it, you only need to hurt the person once.

Angela gave Christa so many chances. From the beginning of calculating by her, she waited for explanation, to take the initiative for reconciliation. But in the end, Angela found that the collapse of her friendship with Christa was just a fuse. What really made them separate was that they had different hearts.

It was not that someone had changed, but that one could see people's heart as time went by.

The summer day was very long. After six o'clock, the sky was still bright.

At six o'clock, Angela picked up her bag quietly to minimize her value of existence. Then she clocked out and left quietly.

At the gate of the DC Building, Greg had already smoked his sixth cigarette. Seeing the figure he hadn't seen for a long time, he quickly stubbed out the cigarette and strode over.

As soon as Angela walked out of the door, she saw Greg standing five steps away.

Angela stopped. Sadness flashed across her face, but she didn't stop. She looked straight at Greg. Seeing that he was just staring at her with red eyes, she ignored him and walked straight forward, intending to pass him and leave.

Seeing that she didn't want to talk to him, Greg became anxious and strode to catch up with her.

This time, Angela was prepared and dodged before he grabbed her arm.

"Angela..." Called Greg.

Angela took two steps back subconsciously and said, "if you have something to say, just say it. Don't take too long. I'm still in a hurry to go home."

When they were in school, they had learned a text that the opposite of love was not hatred, but indifference. He had never thought that one day she would no longer look at him gently, no longer with a sweet smile, but as indifferent as a stranger.

"I want to talk to you."

"What do you want to say?"

"Find a place, okay?"

Angela didn't refuse him immediately. Instead, she looked at him seriously and said, "Greg, if I were your fiancée, I wouldn't have wanted my husband went to find his ex-girlfriend while I was carrying his baby."

Not to mention that he was about to get married, she already knew what kind of person he was when he drugged her before. Even without Mary, she would not be entangled with him anymore.

She would never become a third party in other people's marriage. Although she saw the pain in his eyes, she still bypassed him.

"Mary's child is gone."

He said when she passed him. But she didn't find much sadness in his tone.

Seeing that she paused, Greg continued, "I was drunk that night. I think of her as you."


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