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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 104

"As you know, I have a husband. But give me two pearls. Feeling your love, I tied it to the red slip. In the twinkling of an eye. Your heart was as bright as the sun and the moon, but I had vowed live and die with my husband. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I couldn't accept your emotion. I wish we could meet before I get married."

"Drop my tears. I wish we could meet before I get married..." He put the bead back into the box and smiled as he read out the line of the poem slightly.

This song was written by Zhang Ji who refused to be bribed by Li Shidao and used it as a metaphor of her loyalty.

What Angela meant was that she wanted to concentrate on her studies. However, the poem literally meant that the woman admitted her love for the other party.

Suddenly, he was in a good mood and went out with the bead. As soon as he came out, he saw the employees standing in front of the French window.

"It's not as clear as looking at the photos in the group, huh? Isn't this Secretary Angela?"

"Exactly! Who are those two men?"

"Video! This was more interesting! Those two people are fighting."

Standing behind them, Edward saw that Angela was dragged by two people in the video.

At this time, some employees saw him. They stopped watching the play and said in awe, "Mr. Edward... Mr. Edward."

Thinking about Angela all the time, Edward couldn't hear others' words. He glanced at the crowd downstairs and made sure that Angela was still there. Then he took out his phone and called her while running out.

Downstairs, Greg was beaten up and felt ashamed. But when Angela squatted down and asked him with concern, "are you all right?" However, he felt that the beating was not in vain.

Angela helped him up and said, "you can go to the hospital."

But how could he be beaten like this in front of her? Greg pushed her behind him and punched Chuck, but unfortunately, he was directly resisted by him.

"Hey! Don't fight anymore. You're adults now. Don't you think it's childish?"

However, her voice was completely ignored, and the two of them began to fight. Angela was anxious and wanted to stop them, but was pulled by someone.

"Mr. Edward?" She turned around and saw his forehead full of sweat.

"Come with me." Edward pulled her out of the crowd.

After they left the crowd, Angela asked worriedly, "what about them?"

"You have left. What are they going to do?"


On the other side, when Chuck saw her taken away by Edward, he wanted to get rid of Greg and leave. However, Greg was so angry that he pressed him on the ground again. "You... You'd better stay away from Angela."

Chuck let go of him and ran after Angela as fast as he could. Seeing him trotting over, Edward pulled her and said, "let's go home first."

"That Chuck is prone to violence. Greg will be beaten to death." Thinking of the night that he beat the gangster so seriously and ruthlessly, she couldn't help but feel tremble.

When he heard that she cared about Greg, his heart sank. At this time, Chuck had already run over, followed Greg.

Twenty minutes later, in the coffee shop, Angela stood up, picked up a cotton swab and hydrogen peroxide, and was about to apply medicine to Greg.

"Let me do it!" Edward and Chuck stood up at the same time and reached out for the swab in her hand.

Angela was stunned. Edward had already taken the cotton swabs and hydrogen peroxide from her hand, and Chuck also took out a few cotton swabs from the bag to apply medicine to Greg.

How could they have applied medicine to others? But if Angela applied medicine to Greg, they were more willing to do it themselves.

Edward didn't like Greg at the beginning, and the wounds on his face were all given by Chuck. Seeing that the two were about to apply medicine for him, Greg shook his head and said, "I'll do it myself."


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms