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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 12

"If you don't want to be known what happened that night, you'd better ask your friend to wait outside."

Just now he whispered in her ear in a casual way. Perhaps it was because of what happened that night that Angela's heart couldn't help but beating hardly.

In fact, she had just broken up with her ex-boyfriend. And this kind of intimate behavior was not uncommon in her life. However, she had no heartbeat back then, and now her heart was bouncing as if it were her first love. This feeling was really strange.

And Edward already sat up straight and play with the phone like nothing happened.

Hilda was wondering what he had said to her when she saw her blushing face. Suddenly, Angela said shyly, "well Hilda, could you please wait for me outside?"

Of course, Hilda didn't agree. At this time, her phone buzzed and a message from Lucas came in. It read, "Mr. Edward intended to sponsor you, but it will be assumed that you give it up voluntarily if you can't reach the appointed place at eleven o'clock."!

It was obvious that he did it on purpose!

Although she was curious about them, she thought setting up a company was more important!

Without saying anything else, Hilda stood up and said, "okay! I'll wait outside. You can have a good chat."

He went to lock the door as soon as she went out.

Upon hearing this, Angela was shocked and flustered.

Locked the door? Why did he lock the door?

Edward curled up his lips and approached her step by step.

Thinking of that night and his words just now, Angela was a little vigilant and she unconsciously pulled her collar.

All her little moves fell into his eyes.

Did she really think that he was a hunger finds no fault with the cookery? If he had not been drugged that night, how could he have touched her? This woman, was really thinking too much!

He walked to her, sat down, took out the necklace and handed it to her. "I found it in the backyard."

"You..." She wanted to question him why he hadn't taken out the necklace to prove her innocence and gave it to her in front of Hilda last night?

He explained first, "I didn't find it until you left."

After explanation, even himself was confused. Why should he explain?

On a second thought, probably, the necklace was dropped when she almost fell down and pulled up by him.

No matter what the fact was, he had found the necklace. It was better to save trouble.

"Are you suspecting me?" He figured out the reason why she didn't speak.

"I just don't understand why you didn't show it in front of Hilda."

He looked at her and said, "because what matters is not the necklace, but the subsequent negotiation."

Negotiation? What kind of negotiation do they have?

He took out an agreement and put it in front of her and said: "what happened that night was not my intention, but it hurt you anyway, so as long as you sign this guarantee, no matter how much the price is, I will pay you."

He didn't like to owe anyone anything.

Glancing at the agreement, it roughly said, "I accidentally went into Edward's room and have no alternative but to have sex with him. Before that happened, I promised not to hold him accountable and I will fulfill this promise for the rest of my life.".

What did he mean by saying that she had made a promise? It was because she was drugged and had no choice but to have sex with him. But things happened was because he was drugged! How absurd!

"Don't you think you are shameless? Although I went into your room that night, I had sex with you because you were drugged, ok? If I was drugged, of course I would not hold you accountable!" Thinking of that night, she was in a cold water! Besides, she had no intention of looking into it for the moment?

When she was angry, her big eyes rolled. She looked quite lovely in that way.


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