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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 158

Angela stood outside and saw his perfect figure through the frosted glass. She swallowed and muttered in her heart, 'Is this hotel deliberately made into such a glass bathroom? If he saw her body, it would be too good for him?

That was why she asked him to wash first. After the test, she could know it can see clearly. She would never be watched by him to wash. But how could she stop him from looking at her?

Twenty-five minutes later, Edward came out with a bath towel. He wiped his wet hair. Angela came over and said to him, "Mr. Lucas came to you and said that he had something important to tell you face to face! I asked him to wait outside when you just took a shower. "

Lucas? Why did Lucas come to him at this time?

Edward frowned but didn't think too much. He dried his hair and took off the bath towel.

Ah... She had seen everything.

Angela didn't expect him to be so casual. She was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat and forgot to turn around.

Edward put on his clothes naturally and opened the door. Lucas, who was standing outside, greeted him as soon as he saw Edward, "Mr. Edward."

"Yes. What can I do for you?"

At this time, the door slammed shut, and the two of them were somewhat confused. After a while, Lucas was confused, "Isn't Mr. Edward looking for me?"

"Am I looking for you?"

"Yes! Mrs. Angela just called and said that you have something to talk with me face to face. She asked me to come here. "

"……" This girl's mind couldn't be understood by ordinary people!

Edward put his hands in his pockets and sighed angrily.

'Mr. Edward asked me to come here. Why are he so angry now?'

Lucas's heart was in his throat, waiting for Edward's answer.

Thirty minutes later, in the cafe, Edward's phone rang. He glanced at the message and found it was from Angela. She asked him where he had gone.

Where are he going? Didn't she lock him outside?

Edward sneered, which made Lucas, who was sitting opposite to him, sweating.

"That's all for today. Arrange more people to keep an eye on Carl."

"Yes, Mr. Edward!" Seeing him leave, Lucas heaved a sigh of relief.

In the hotel room, when Angela heard the doorbell, she ran to open the door and greeted him with a smile, "Have you finished your talk?"

Edward stared at her coldly. If it had been in the past, she would have trembled with fear. But now, she didn't think it was terrible. It made her happy to take a shower smoothly.

She closed the door and turned around, but was thrown against the wall by him.

"Ah..." Her back hit a cold and hard wall, and she squinted in pain.

"Can you explain why you locked me outside?" He got close to her, imprisoned her and questioned her.

"How did I lock you outside? Didn't you walk out by yourself? "

"Stop pretending." Edward raised his eyebrows.

"I... I..." Now that her goal was realized, there was nothing to hide. She muttered, "Who let you choose such a room? I can't even take a good shower. "

He glanced at the bathroom. Some hotel's bathroom was made of frosted glass, so he didn't pay attention to it. Was that why she asked him to go out?

He looked at her complaining face again and said, "We're married. There's nothing to do with the bathroom."

It had been more than once that she was still so polite. He had wanted to give her more time, but now it seemed that he couldn't wait any longer. He had to make her adapt to the intimate relationship between the two.


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