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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 159

"Angela, I want to be your real husband."

Her eyes widened, revealing his gentle smile. It was like a long winter, ushering in the spring of the new disciples. She was so looking forward to it. Because of the lack of safety, she pursed her lips again. Seeing her limbs settle down, he kissed her. This time, she didn't push him away.

Expectation, hesitation, fear... And the uncontrollable uproar. At that moment, Angela didn't seem to think about what would happen in the future any more. She was clearly so scared, but gradually fell in love with him. And he, from tenderness to plunder...

On the second day, he prepared lunch and went into their room to ask her out for lunch. Angela wrapped herself in the sheet and sit on the bedside. Her eyes were empty, and she didn't even see him come in.

He approached her and held her hand gently, which made her stunned.

"Are you hungry?"

"What?" She was still in a trance. After a while, she came to her senses and said, "well, I'll brush my teeth first."

Seeing her enter the bathroom in a trance and the agreement on the bed, Edward's eyes became far-reaching.

Wait, the pen is out of water. Use this one. ——

In the bathroom, Angela looked at herself in the mirror and thought about the whole thing thoroughly.

Although their signatures were not found on the agreement, there were traces of writing on it. So there was something wrong with the pen he gave to her.

Edward was smart, but she always thought he was a man with good morality. But this time he cheated her into getting married and made her his legitimate wife, which made her angry and disappointed.

After she washed up and went out, he already sat at the table and waited for her to sit down and have dinner together. On the table, three dishes and one soup were her favorite dishes. She tasted it and it tasted good. Suddenly, her mood became complicated.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that she was in a daze, he asked.

She came to her senses, lowered her head and took a bite. "Let's talk about it after dinner."

The mixed feelings were tangled in her heart during the meal, but she still couldn't accept the fact that he lie to her at length. During the meal, she was not as lively as before, which made him frown.

When she was full, she put down her chopsticks and saw him also put down his chopsticks. She took a deep breath and said calmly, "what's the point of lying to me about getting married?"

As expected, she was angry about this.

"What's wrong with marry me?" There are so many people in the world who want to marry into the Yan Family, even if they are not welcomed by him.

"Edward, I never wanted to marry you."

After saying that, she stood up and walked away from his sight. Ten minutes after she left, he'd been staring at the door and clenching his fists.

Edward, I never wanted to marry you. ——

Then why didn't she push him away that night?

Edward, pretended nothing had happened last night. ——

Was it all his wishful thinking?

Why did you bring me here... If I hadn't come, such a thing wouldn't have happened... ——

I met Miss Vanessa in the hotel. She said that your coat was left her place. ——

She was very beautiful! ——

Why did he try his best to please her? He had never been so interested in a woman. He was willing to sacrifice so much for her sincerely, but she seemed to have feeling nothing.


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