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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 16

"Bang -" The door was open.

Before Angela could react, the man on her had been kicked away. She didn't know who grabbed her wrist, but she thought the person was Greg, so she struggled and cried.

The man hugged her and said, "It's Okay."

The familiar deep voice calmed her down gradually.

Greg was kicked off the bed, in a panic. When he stood up again, he saw a tall and handsome man holding Angela.

How could he not be angry when his girlfriend was held by another man? Moreover, he had taken off Angela's coat just now, and now the man's hand was on her fair and flawless back to comfort her.

Edward sensed the hostility from Greg and cast a cold glance at him. The murderous look in his eyes frightened Greg.

Seeing that Greg was staring at Angela's back, Edward was unhappy. He quickly took off his coat and put it on her, and asked, "Can you go?"

Until then, Angela came to herself and nodded.

Edward helped her quickly put on her shoes and held her shoulder, trying to take her away.

Greg had endured for almost three years and now he tried to have sex with her at all costs, even at the cost of image destruction. He couldn't bear that the opportunity was spoiled by someone else. He stood in front of them, grabbed Angela's wrist and shouted to Edward with his eyes full of anger and provocation, "She is my girlfriend!"

Thirty minutes ago, Edward had a video meeting with the shareholders in the office of DC Building. Hilda's phone kept ringing, as if she was being chased by death. He was afraid that something bad would happen to his dear sister, so he answered the phone. When he heard that Angela was in a coma and taken to the hotel by Greg, without thinking, he was so anxious that he rushed out without leaving any words, even Lucas couldn't stop him.

Hilda was rather smart. Before he arrived, she had contacted the hotel manager and asked for a spare room card as a shareholder. As soon as Edward broke in, he saw the man on top of her, and she was crying and struggling desperately.

It was the last thing that Edward wanted to see that a woman was bullied. Besides, Angela had once slept with him, he couldn't bear that now she was bullied. It was very merciful of him to just kick Greg away instead of ruining his reputation. How dare Greg still do this? He was bring about his own destruction!

Enraged by Greg, Edward raised his eyebrows and said, "What? Really? "

Greg was an impulsive man. Seeing his girlfriend was in someone else's arms, he couldn't suppress his anger and tried to punch in Edward's face. Edward stood still, stopped Greg's fist and flung fist towards his face quickly.

In this ages, those of high status were more afraid of bad reputation. With his gorgeous appearance, he must be a big shot. "You hit me?" Greg threatened, "This image has been caught by the camera in the corridor. If you dare to take her away, I will prosecute you for beating! "

Edward sneered, "It's in self-defense!"

Indeed, it's Greg who firstly wanted to hit Edward. But he could ask someone else to edit the video. He said, "So what? As long as I edited the video, who knows it is me who hit first? If you dare to take her away, I'll call the police at once! "

"Huh!" Was Edward afraid of being threatened, wasn't he? Besides, this hotel was under the charge of DC Capital Group. How could he not get the complete video?

He sneered, took Angela's hand and said, "Let's go!"

When she passed by Greg, she suddenly stopped.

He thought that she had made up her mind, so he said excitedly, "Angela..."

"Greg! I didn't expect that you are such a despicable person! I was wrong in the past! "

He wanted to rape her and to use despicable means to slander Edward. Before that, she was a little reluctant to leave Greg. But now everything was gone!

Angela gave him a resentful look with her reddened eyes. Edward took her away after she finished talking.

When they got out of the hotel, Angela was disheveled. Edward said to her, "Get on the car. I'll drive you home."

Last time when they met, he had said arrogantly that he would give her money and asked her to be his girlfriend for three months. She used to hate him, but because of what happened today, she suddenly didn't hate him anymore.


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms