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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 17

Edward... He was so horrible! Did he ask someone to follow her?

The thought of him giving money to her and asking her to be his girlfriend for three months made her hair stand on end.

If he regarded her as a prey, it was possible for him to ask someone to keep an eye on her.

She suspiciously looked out from the spy hole on the door, and felt relieved when she didn't see any suspicious person in the corridor for a long time.

From Edward's dressing and the car he just drove, he should be very rich. And objectively speaking, he looked good. There was no denying that Edward was both handsome and rich, so he must be very popular. Angela was confused about why such a man was interested in her. And why did he make such an absurd request?

She remembered that, at the night she was drugged, he would rather cold her with water than touch her!

Was it that? The more he couldn't get her, the more he wanted her

Isn't it the sense of conquest?

If it was true, this man was not as upright as she thought!

As for Edward's puzzling behavior, she thought it was very funny, "What a weirdo!"

A month later, in the tea room of YR Media Limited Company.

Angela gave herself a glass of lemonade silently while Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Wen chatted.

Mrs. Zhang said, "Have you heard about it? The new employee, Miss Chloe, had lunch with our manager Mr. Baron yesterday. "

Mrs. Wen was surprised, "Really? She has only been here for a week. How could they have lunch in such a short time? She must be the fastest one who was tempted to become mistress by Manager Baron! "

Mrs. Zhang chuckled, "Ha-ha... Mr. Baron has always been eager to do so! How could he tolerate not touching these little fairy girls who just came out of school? "

"Speaking of this, Angela is the unique pure one in our office. Haven't you had dinner with Mr. Baron yet since you worked here for almost five months, right?" Mrs. Wen made fun of Angela and cast a glance at her.

Thinking of this, Angela felt aggrieved.

She didn't expect that the manager Baron Lin was such a person when she came to this company for the first time. He even harassed all the younger staff in the company.

Among these staff, Angela was over the average of beauty. Although she often wore casual clothes, it was not hard to find that she was in a good shape. How could Baron Lin let her escape?

But her refusal was obvious. Last week, during the gathering and singing activity of the company, Baron Lin sat beside her and even deliberately molested her. Angela raised her voice on purpose and replied politely, "Mr. Baron, I have no place to stay now. How about letting you sit here alone? "

Everyone in the company knew what kind of person Baron Lin was? As soon as Angela finished her words, she left the room, not care about Baron Lin at all. Several old employees tittered at him, which made Baron Lin embarrassed.

Because she was against with Baron Lin, there were two months when her salary was deducted inexplicably by 1500.

Thinking of that, Angela felt upset. She raised her cup and took a sip of lemonade. Then she sighed, "Stop joking on me. If it goes on like this, I will starve to death."

Having a beautiful face, Angela was neither arrogant nor rash and she was very polite. At work, she wouldn't trouble others if she was able to finish it herself. Mrs. Zhang liked such colleagues. She laughed, "If you were at my age, he wouldn't notice you at all."

"Is it blame that I am too young?" Angela shrugged her shoulders.


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms