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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 160

Although Angela has a tough character, but she was kind-hearted from the bottom of her heart. She could speak for a person she just knew and smile at a stranger, but she was only resist and be angry with him.

Edward looked from her to the security guard's face and felt uncomfortable. Although it was a little unkind for him as a man to embarrass a security guard because of this, he couldn't help embarrassing the security guard. He said, "if the company keep him, I'm afraid the company's reputation will be ruined."

The security felt unsatisfied when he heard that he was going to be fired, but he said nothing which indicated that he was a tough guy.

It was immoral to smash other people's jobs. The thing originated from her, and it was also because of her that Edward made things difficult for him. Although she was not a man, she could still compromise. Reluctantly as she was, she walked up to him and pulled his sleeve. "Edward, I know you are a kind-hearted man. You won't blame him like this, will you?"

It was Angela's favorite way to persuade people to put on a high hat on them. If it was someone else, there would be no room for negotiation.

"Okay..." Seeing that she was half reluctant and half afraid that he would not agree, he felt funny in the bottom of his heart, but he was expressionless. "It's up to you."

Hearing that Edward was not intend to embarrass the security guard, Angela said to the manager and the security guard, "well, Mr. Edward is a kind man. Let it go. We are also a little busy, so we won't interfere with your work!"

She was afraid that he would go back on his words, so she pulled him into the hotel and said, "didn't you say that you wanted to go back to our room? Let's go back quickly!"

He was pulled into the room by her, but a faint smile appeared on his face. Because it was the first time she took the initiative to hold his hand. From the hotel door to the elevator, to the bedroom, she did not let him go.

It was not until she closed the door that Angela realized that she was still holding his hand and hurriedly loosened her grip. She sat on the sofa, annoyed.

Edward cheated her into getting married, and the agreement was tampered with. Now she really became the daughter-in-law of the Yan Family. She couldn't escape even if she wanted to. The banquet was just held yesterday, and if she said divorce today, her parents would probably be pissed off. She didn't know what kind of abuse she had made in her previous life that she would meet someone like him who kept pestering her!

Edward walked over and saw her staring at the tea table, lost in thought. "What's your plan?" He asked.

She glared at him. Two seconds later, she stood up and asked, "Edward, how on earth will you let me go?"

Seeing that her hair was in a mess, he stretched out his hand to help her tidy it up. "What are you talking about? I just want to take care of you!"

She avoided his tenderness and said, "I don't need you to take care of me. Besides, if you want to have a baby, many women will give birth to it for you. But you know, I don't want a child. I want to continue my study."

His gentle eyes gradually turned cold, and he put his hand in his trousers pocket.

Seeing that he kept silence, she said, "look, nothing forcibly done is going to be agreeable. You don't have to marry a woman like me to spoil your mood, do you? How about... Let's get a divorce."

Hearing that she wanted a divorce, he narrowed his eyes and grabbed her arm suddenly. "No way!"

His overbearing and intimidating eyes stunned her, but she was not afraid. She just stared at him with her eyes wide open.

"it was you who entered my room..." Then... He was reluctant to leave her.

It was her fault.

"I... It has been a long time ago. Why do you still care about it? Besides, I'm also a victim... Well, it's my fault. But in this society, even if that kind of thing happened, it doesn't matter." Although Angela said so, she blushed.

Hearing her indifferent tone, he grabbed her hand with harder strength.

So, in her opinion, even if she had sex with Chuck, she didn't care, did she? He cared so much about her. In order to be with her, he forced himself not to think about it. She had had sex with others. He was afraid that she would be overshadowed by this matter, so he never mentioned it and treated her gently. But in return, she said, "in this society, even if that kind of thing happened, it doesn't matter."


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms