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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 162

When Angela was about to go out, she heard someone knocking at the door.

"Brother, sister-in-law..."

Hearing it was Hilda's voice, Angela was stunned.

She was really pissed off. This was the Yan Family. On the first day of their marriage, she left with her luggage in public. Wasn't it too embarrassing for him?

Thinking of this, she turned back and put the luggage bag into the wardrobe.

Edward's sight had been following her, and he heard her said, "I'll leave later."

If Angela made up her mind, no one could change it. He didn't know what was on her mind when Hilda knocked on the door, but she changed her mind all of a sudden.

She walked to the door and opened it with a big smile. "Hilda?"

"sister-in-law, I have something for you!" She walked in with a delicate glass lamp in her hand.

"Lavender lamp?" She put the lamp on the bedside table and connected it to the power supply. After a while, the cover of the lamp emitted fragrant mist. The pink light and dense mist were very beautiful.

"Yes! I heard that lavender can soothe people's mind. By the way, it's more beautiful to turn off the light!" Then she turned off the light. As she said, in the darkness, the faint Lavender lamp was shrouded in mist, ethereal and dreamy.

"It smells so good!" Angela couldn't help but said.

"You're right! I have one in my own room!" At this time, her cell phone rang in her pocket. She took it out, looked at it and said, "ah! I almost forget that I have an appointment with my friend tonight. I won't bother you anymore!"

After Hilda left the room, she didn't forget to close the door. After she went out, she quietly took out the key and locked the door.

In this room with the dim light, the two of them looked into each other's eyes, and the atmosphere was somewhat strange and embarrassing.

"Ahem..." To ease the embarrassment, she dry coughed and turned on the light.

Edward kept staring at her which made her feel a little uncomfortable. She pretended to sit on the sofa and picked up her phone to recite the English words. Seeing this, he also sat down, picked up a book but glanced sideways at her.

Twenty minutes later, she felt a little stuffy. She walked to the balcony door and wanted to open it, but she couldn't. Edward also felt a little hot. Seeing that she couldn't open the door of the balcony, he stood up and walked over.

Angela thought the lock of the door was stuck, so she turned it on and off several times. Suddenly, a shadow behind her shrouded her, and his warm breath lingered around her. And there was another pair of hands on hers. He wrapped her around and tried to open the door with her strength, but it was in vain.

His hand suddenly held the back of her hand, and the ambiguous breath came to her face. In an instant, she felt a hot stream running away from her body.

What's going on? How could she react to such an action? Angela, don't you feel ashamed?

He opened the door as usual. How could he not open it? Was the door broken?

Edward glanced at the balcony outside the glass door and seemed to see something. Then he released her hand and opened the curtain. Sure enough, there was a wooden stick outside the glass door!

He frowned and turned on the air conditioner.


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