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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 163

Seeing that she was asleep, Edward turned off the light and went to bed.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the sun made the whole villa wore a golden circle. In the past, Anna would only lie in the room sleepy. But now, she was standing at the stairway and looking upstairs.

When Kay came in from the backyard, she asked, "it's afternoon. Why are the two kids still sleeping?"

"I guess you will have a grandson soon!" Kay burst into laughter.

Back then, when she just got married, although the new couple were intimate, they only slept until eleven o'clock! Is Moo moo even more stronger than his father?

At this moment, there was a sudden noise from above. Hearing footsteps, Anna immediately ran to the hall and sat up straight.

Angela trotted downstairs. Kay greeted her with a gentle smile. Angela had been angry. When she raised her head and saw the kind smile on the Kay's face, she quickly forced a smile and said, "Good morning, Auntie Kay."

On the other side, Anna pretended to be calm and walked over. She smiled, "are you awake?"

As she spoke, she looked down at her neck and collarbone subconsciously. When she saw the red marks, she smiled more happily. Angela was stunned at first, and then noticed her gaze and expression, which made her very embarrassed.

Half an hour ago, when she woke up, she was so angry that she wanted to kick him out of bed, but she found that she had no strength at all. Edward was woken up by her kick. He rubbed his forehead and asked lazily, "are you awake?"

Hearing Anna's question, she remembered what happened last night and was too angry to say anything.

However, her mother once said that she couldn't vent her anger on the elder. Even if the elder did something wrong, she couldn't be impolite to the elder. Moreover, what happened last night didn't matter to her!

"Yes, I'm awake." She tried to smile and nodded.

Noticing that there was something wrong with her expression, Anna thought she was tired. She took her hand and walked to the dining room. "Moo moo hasn't had a girlfriend before, so he doesn't know how to be tender to women. You must be exhausted last night, right?"


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