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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 199

Although she wanted to cry out, she could only lower her voice tremblingly when she thought of the existence of someone in the next room.

She was stubborn and refused, but there was no trace of pleading tone. This was his Angela. However, the more he examined, the more carefully he became.

According to the past situation, since he hadn't touched her for such a long time, her body should've returned to its original smooth and flawless. Only there was a bruise between her breasts, and there was no other bruise. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"How did you do this?" He pointed at the bruise on her chest.

She had bought a new bra a few days ago. The front button was made of metal, and it was stuck too tightly, so there was a bruise on her chest.

Angela thought he would do something to her, but she was stunned by his suddenly concern. Thinking of his disrespectful behavior, she was so angry that she wanted to push him away. "It's none of your business!"

How could she push him away without his permission?

With a cold look in his eyes, Edward grabbed her hand on his chest and asked, "none of my business?"

Now, she even retorted like a hedgehog when he cared about her?

His tone was like saying why he couldn't ask her.

"Why do you care about me?"

"We are a couple. Why can't I care about you?"

"Husband and wife? When you slept with other women, why didn't you think that you still have me as your wife? When you deliberately asked that five businessmen put my father and brother in a difficult position, why don't you think they are your wife's family?"

So, was it because of these two things that she got angry? But his anger these days would be gone as long as she didn't betray him. Seeing her tears rolling in her eyes but waiting for him with resentment, he suddenly felt that she was quite cute in this way.

The coldness in his eyes had gone. He stared at her and smiled faintly because of her expression. Then he got off her.

The sudden smile on his face was still so gentle and pampering, which made her stunned. Before she could react, he let go of her and got out of bed. However, no matter what he wanted to do, all she needed to do was to leave far away from him!

Angela quickly got up, pulled over the nightdress that was thrown aside and put it on. When she just put the dress on her head and was about to put it on, he turned around and asked, "is there no medicine oil here?"

Medicine oil?

What medicine oil?

However, what he was looking for had nothing to do with her!

She paused and ignored him. After putting on her clothes, she covered herself with the quilt and ignored him.

When she just lay down, she felt that she had done something wrong! She wondered if she should find an excuse to sleep with her mother. But if she slept with her mother? What about her father? If she made it so obviously that she didn't want to share a room with Edward, wouldn't it tell the whole world something unhappy had happened between them?

Besides, her eyes were wet. It was not appropriate for her to go out!

She tossed and turned in bed for several times, which made Edward laugh. He straightened his clothes and walked out of the room.

Under the quilt, Angela heard the light sound of door closing. After a while, someone opened the door, closed and locked it.

Something unknown was approaching him...


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