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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 200

"Can you let go of me and the Xu Family? Please... "

She had never asked anyone for help, regardless of her self-esteem. She could cut the relationship with the friend who betrayed her; She would try all kinds of methods to get her own salary back when she was cheated by her boss. She was like a hedgehog. Whoever wanted to hurt her, she would not hesitate to prick up the thorns on her body, making people afraid. But how could she defeat such a powerful man like him? But she didn't want to spend the rest of her life on him...

Hearing her begging, his heart tightened and he hugged her more tightly. "I said I wouldn't divorce you."

He was calm and determined, without anger or any room for negotiation.

Angela choked with sobs and then burst into tears.

Edward let go of her a little and dipped his hand with the ointment and wiped for her. During the whole process, she just cried sadly, but his expression was always indifferent.

This night, she seemed to cry all her tears dry, but he did not make a sound. He just held her in his arms.

The second day, when she woke up, sat in front of the makeup mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were dry and swollen like walnuts.

She had cursed him, resisted gun. Even this soft hearted move didn't work. She couldn't be tough or soft. What should she do that she could successfully divorce him?

If you dare to betray me, I will make you regret! ——

Betrayal could make him hate herself, but he was afraid that the whole Xu Family would be involved.


She looked at herself in the mirror blankly.


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