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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 32

Had worked with Edward for so many years, it was the first time that Richard Wei had seen Mr. Edward so calm. With his experience in business, he intuitively sensed something wrong with the cooperation.

The dinner was almost over. Despite his uneasy heart, Richard Wei asked with a smile, "Mr. Edward, do you have any suggestion on the cooperation?"

In these years, about 18% of Anson Bank's work came from the DC Capital Group, and most importantly, the DC Capital Group had strong strength and had never owed money. Besides, if they cooperated with the DC Capital Group, it would certainly drive other performance!

Edward smiled faintly, "Originally, Anson Bank and the DC Capital Group had worked together for so long and I think that we have gained complete trust in each other." But Anson Bank doesn't seem to think highly of the DC Capital Group. "

While speaking, Edward cast a glimpse at Greg intentionally or unintentionally. Richard was a sly fox in business, how could he not see that? But he didn't know how Greg offended Mr. Edward. He had no way but made an introduction, "How bad my memory is! I forgot to introduce him to you. Mr. Edward, He is Manager Greg in our general bank. He is a rare talent. "

"Really? Rare talent? " Edward smiled and said, "I hope you sight is still as good as before."

After saying that, he stood up and said, "I need to reconsider about this cooperation."

Edward had already stood up and left with Angela. But when he just arrived at the door, he stopped for a second and turned around, "Oh! By the way, President Richard, the staff of your Anson Bank seemed to have some misunderstanding about our DC Capital Group. We need to have a strict test to choose our staff. "

Richard was stunned by his words. Greg knew that Edward's word was pointing at him, He was angry but he didn't dare to do so.

Edward had long legs. He walked so fast that Angela almost trotted to catch up with him. Angela knew that Edward did it on purpose to make things difficult for Greg.

In the elevator, when there were only the two of them, she asked, "Mr. Edward... Were you defending me just now? "

Although the man in front of her was always cold and detached, he was actually warmhearted! Thinking of that he had helped her several times, she felt happy.

"You think too much. How could he slander the reputation of the DC Capital Group? " Edward glanced sideways at Angela, and when he saw her slightly raised lips slowly turned down, he smiled slightly in his heart.

What he meant was that Angela flatter herself. She felt embarrassed.

In the private room, there was no need for Richard to pretend to smile. He put on a long face and scolded, "The cooperation between Anson Bank and DC Capital Group has always been a usage in the side. How did you offend him? "

Richard had planned to train resources for Greg so that Greg could replace him as president in the future. But unexpectedly, he went for wool and came home shorn. He didn't know what had Greg done made Mr. Edward so angry.

Greg naturally knew that the reason why Richard would be so fond of him was that his daughter, Mary Wei, liked him. If they knew what happened between him and Angela, his career would be ruined.

Greg's eyes darkened, but he lowered his head and apologized, "Maybe it's when I went to the bathroom just now. I offended Mr. Edward out of anxiety. Mr. Richard, please don't worry. I'll handle it!"

"I have told you many times that you should never offend people who you can't afford to offend, but you offended Mr. Edward instead! If you lose this cooperation, you don't have to stay in Anson Bank! Humph! "

In the section of bank, the most important thing was to get access to resources. Greg's parents were a peasant and a construction worker in tradition, so they didn't have any resources at all. In the past six months, Richard transferred his resources to Greg little by little and made him the best business manager with the best performance in the bank. As long as the contract with DC Capital Group was signed by him, he could gain a foothold in the bank. Unfortunately, there was a problem at this time. Richard was angry about what happened today. If his daughter hadn't insisted on marrying him, he wouldn't have supported a man with such a bad family background.

"Mr. Richard, please rest assured. I will get the cooperation plan with the DC Capital Group." Greg tried his best to leave that small town and to gain a firm foothold in a first-line city. He didn't want to return to the slum. If he lost Richard's help, he would no doubt be driven back to the origin.

After they returned to the DC Building, Lucas let Angela in the office and asked, "How do you feel about your first time to work outside?"

It was her first time to work outside, and the cooperation failed because of her. Angela lowered her head and didn't say anything, as if a child had done something wrong. "What happened?" He asked.

He thought for a while and felt a little strange. When Mr. Edward came back just now, he smiled, which was rare in usual! Shouldn't everything be smooth?


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