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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 33

Angela hurried to pick up the files and followed him.

While Lucas was driving, Angela pondered for a long time and asked, "Manager Lucas, I heard that this loan is lower in the interest than the past and the amount is more than before. By all rights, the DC Capital Group will not refuse it, right?"

"Yes! You're right."

"Then Was Mr. Edward..."

"He don't play the card according to the routine. Get used to it!" Lucas smiled faintly.

After thinking for a while, Angela thought Luca's words made sense. Generally speaking, a man would never refuse a woman who threw herself to his arms. However, he just threw her out of the door and then soaked her in the cold water. Indeed An abnormal man!

Thinking of this, she felt relieved. After all, if he delayed the project because of her, she would feel that she owed him a lot. She wouldn't have so much mental burden if it was just because Greg had slandered the DC Capital Group.

Although she guessed correctly, she still asked, "does Mr. Edward value the DC Capital Group very much?"

"Of course!" When driving, Lucas looked straight ahead and said proudly, "Mr. Edward was only twenty-four years old ten years ago, but he had propped up the whole DC Capital Group. At that time, the DC Capital Group was a small company, during which it had a difficult time in seeking for investment and entering a bid. It took him only five years to get the DC Capital Group to renowned in the S City! To put it bluntly, many banks want to cooperate with us now, not only the Anson Bank."

Actually he was only telling the truth. A lot of banks were looking forward to cooperating with the DC Capital Group, and those entrepreneurs that were not willing to invest in money in earlier years felt regretful when they saw that the DC Capital Group had earned a great deal of money.

In Angela's origin impression of Edward, he was the man who seemed to be impotent but made her exhausted to get up. He had said many times that he wanted her to be his mistress, which made her feel that he was a capitalist who took advantage of his power to bully others.

But afterwards, he helped her a lot. These days, he was so busy that he even had to sacrifice his lunch break. And when she heard Lucas talk about his ability, her opinion of him changed a little.

"I didn't expect him to be so powerful..." She sighed.

The secretaries and assistants before would adore him when they heard things about Edward. On the contrary, Secretary Angela was much more composed, and no one could see any intention of merit or profit from her expression. Even the group of rotten girls in the office would be suspicious of him with gossip eyes. But her eyes were clear, and deeper, where he could not see clearly.

'is that enough to make Mr. Edward believe that she's trustworthy?

When they arrived at the restaurant, Lucas received a message from Edward, which read, "this cooperation shall be decided by Angela.".

Decided by Secretary Angela? How strange it was?

Angela had already opened the glass door, but Lucas was still standing there, frowned. She reminded, "Manager Lucas?"

"I'm coming!" Lucas hurriedly replied. Then he replying the message while he was walking.

Greg had been waiting for them for a long time. When he saw them, he stood up quickly and greeted with a smile, "Hello, Manager Lucas. Hello, Secretary Angela."

Seeing that Greg treated her as a stranger, Angela had to go along with him and nodded to greet him.

Lucas shook hands with him and said, "let's start."

Angela and Greg exchanged a knowing look with each other. After they all sat down, Greg spoke briefly about the cooperation this time.

"I have gone too far today. Fortunately, Mr. Edward is so generous. I'm so sorry!" They were sent here by the DC Capital Group, which meant they would have a very good chance of cooperation. Then he went straight to the point, "so How does Mr. Edward think about it?"

In Angela's impression, Greg was an indomitable man with a confident face, always difficult to reach. But she had never seen Greg who was now sitting in front of her swallowed his pride in order to get a cooperation contract. She was in a daze and thought, 'is he still who he used to be?

It was a handsome face and slender body as the same as before. However, he looked more mature than before.

It made her heart ache to think of him living alone in this stressful place like S City without a strong family background.

She lowered her head to avoid being caught by the tears in her eyes.


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms