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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 49

When Hilda came back, she saw such a scene.

Edward hugged Angela, and she embraced him. They had a sound sleep. The sunshine gently penetrated through the curtain, making the whole picture become warm, just as if the warm picture of the newlyweds next day.

Hilda had thought that she would never see her brother in such a scene. She even had thought that her brother would hold a good-looking man. So she couldn't help taking the picture.

"Hilda! How can you do this! " Angela would be cursed by the netizens if the photo was spread to the public!

"Over the past ten years, when my brother saw a woman, he always tried to stay away from her, but now he slept with you in his arms. Also it is still no dirty scene, only warm hug and sleep. I really can't imagine, in addition to your love, what other reasons can make a man sleep with a woman in his arms, not because of physiological needs but pure spiritual enjoyment. "

If it was because of sex, Hilda must had seen the mess in the room, let alone the couple in bed were both in clothes!

Angela was so angry that she snatched Hilda's cellphone and retorted, "Your brother is impotent! So he was not interested in women! Even if we sleep in the same bed, he won't touch me! Hilda! Delete it for me now! "

Hilda escaped her snatch, "No, I don't want to! What a beautiful picture! When you get married in the future, I'll develop it and give it to you as the wedding gift! "

They quarreled so loudly that they didn't notice the darkened face of Edward who had already stood aside.

It was not until Hilda bumped into Edward that they saw him. The tall man took away the phone immediately. He had a look at the photo and then looked at Angela, "Impotent? Are you sure? "

Angela was so shocked that she sweated all over. She was afraid that Edward would expose their affair if she kept on talking. So she immediately pretended to look at the clock and then said less confidently, "It's very late now! We've been late for an hour! "

Then she went to the door, grabbed her bag and almost ran out without even putting on her shoes firmly.

Ten minutes later, she stood at the bus station. A black car stopped in front of her and the window was rolled down. Edward looked at her expressionlessly and said, "Get in the car."

"I can take the bus!" Angela didn't want others to see them together.

"There's a meeting at half past eleven. You're in charge." Edward could easily read her mind, so he said.

According to Edward's character, he would park there if she didn't get in the car! She saw him park at the private lane of the bus and was afraid that he would be fined. In fact, it didn't matter whether he would be fined or not. The most important thing was that she was afraid that he would take advantage of her and deduct some money from her salary. Plus, she was never careless about her work. So she could only grit her teeth and get into the car.

Through the rearview mirror, Edward could see that she was very nervous, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Edward had a strong aura. When she followed him into the company, everyone nodded to him respectfully. Angela could even feel an unusual suspicious look from their eyes.

It should be blamed on the weirdo Edward. It didn't matter that he didn't show any interest in women, but he still knew nothing about his charm. It was estimated that she would become the talk after dinner of the whole company.

Angela lowered her head as deeply as possible.

They finally got to their department.

Although Angela pretended to walk to her position calmly, she still found that colleagues were peeking at her.

What made her even more uncomfortable was the exciting sound of people typing. The speed they tapped on the keyboard was not because working, but excited chatting. She subconsciously looked at the screen of the colleague in front of her, and it turned out to be a chat group. Although she could not see the specific information in the chat group, she could see messages popped out one by one quickly.

The weird atmosphere in the office made her sit on the chair, very annoyed.


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