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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 50

When she came back to her desk, she looked like a balloon which was empty all over the place. It took her a long time to recover from the shock.

After letting out a deep sigh, she told herself to let it be!

She kept up her spirit and went to the president's office.

She thought he was going to make things difficult for her, but he didn't. He just asked her about the work.

In her eyes, he would make her more relax with such a serious look.

After briefing the work she had done in the past half month, she added, "I'll work harder."

She said this because she felt that the workload that Manager Lucas gave her was too little. She was familiar with her work in a week. She wondered if Manager Lucas still distrusted her and failed to hand over the important work to her.

Although it was a good thing for Angela that she could have more time to read, she still felt uneasy after she got others' salary and didn't get the corresponding amount of work.

Just then, Edward's phone rang. Angela glanced unconsciously at the screen, she saw a handsome photo of Aaron it.

When he answered the phone, Angela was stunned. He didn't allow her to go out, and it was also not appropriate for her to go out! But when she heard him talking on the phone, she felt embarrassed.

On the other side of the line, Aaron said, "is Mr. Edward available for lunch?"

"Give me the address."

Perhaps having guessed that he would hang up, Aaron said, "wait! Is little pepper also in the company?"

Edward looked up at Angela as he was suddenly asked about her. But when she met his cold glance, she didn't know why and felt a panic.

"Yes." Replied Edward lightly.

"Bring her here, too! She lost something last time." The bracelet was holding in Aaron's hand looked pretty in the sunshine.

"You should ask her." Then he handed the phone to Angela. Seeing her surprised face, he motioned her to answer the phone.

After a short while, Angela picked up the phone and answered it carefully, "hello?"

"I'm Aaron, do you remember?"

"Of course I do. What does Mr. Aaron want to see me about?" As she spoke, she glanced at Edward, who was gazing at her expressionlessly. She couldn't guess what he was thinking about.

"Do you have an appointment at noon?"

What kind of appointment could she have? She was eating Bento with her colleagues in the tea room. Since she didn't bring any Bento today, it must be some take out.

She frowned and said, "I don't know why Mr. Aaron wants to see me."

She was wary. Aaron could figure out. He thought that it must be because of Moo moo's jealousy that made little pepper scared. He smiled, "you lost your bracelet last night. I'm about to have lunch with Moo moo. Come with him together!"


She checked her wrist immediately. Sure enough, the bracelet was lost! That was a gift from her mother for bringing a good luck to her! She was so careless to lose it! Luckily, it was picked up by him.

From panic to relief, she had made up her mind.

Now the company had pushed her against the media, and she was still eating with the big iceberg? Was she so stupid?

"I... i I was a little late today, so I didn't finish my work. Let's eat it next time. The bracelet... " Originally, she wanted to ask Edward to take the bracelet. But she suddenly thought that would it be more miserable if he gave the bracelet back to her later? She thought for a while and said, "could you keep it for me, Mr. Aaron? Can I withdraw it when I'm free?"

"Well... It's not that there is no other way. It's just that I have to go back to school this afternoon. Besides, your bracelet is also very expensive. I'm afraid that it might be lost if I sent you by express."

"Don't send me by express!" She couldn't lose it!


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