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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 89

After all, he had worked for Mr. Edward for so many years, and Lucas had also seen his family. The beautiful woman holding Secretary Angela's hands was Mr. Edward's mother, and the wife of the President of the entertainment company, the giant EVA group!

In Lucas's opinion, this was exactly the harmonious scene that Mr. Edward and Secretary Angela were living happily together while his mother came to talk about family affairs with his future daughter-in-law!

"Why are you here?" Edward didn't like his mother's sudden visit, and he didn't know what she had talked with Angela.

Seeing her son frown, Anna felt a little aggrieved: "I'm here to see Hilda!"

To see Hilda? Everyone knew that Hilda was on a business trip. He was afraid that his mother had already tell Angela how many grandsons she wanted.

Upon hearing this, Edward walked over, took Angela's hand and said: "your wound hasn't healed yet. Go back to your room and have a rest!"

His attitude towards Anna was like seeing a tiger, fearing that Angela, a little sheep, would be swallowed. Angela was a little confused: "I just woke up..."

"The patient needs more rest. You need more sleep and then you will recover soon!" Said Edward.

Anna felt even more aggrieved when her own son was so wary of her in front of others, but after all, she was also his mother! "I just held your wife's hand. Why were you so wary of your own mother? I'm not a stepmother!"

Wife? When did she become his wife?


Angela wanted to say that she was not her daughter-in-law, but Edward had already refuted his mother: "if you don't want the Yan Family to have no descendants, don't do anything strange."

Anna always used his birthday and birth-hour looked for the appropriate girl. As long as she saw him smiling at a young woman, Anna would take this woman as her future daughter-in-law. She would contact the girls without his permission and do strange things with them.

This was something his mother would definitely do!

"What are you talking about? I came here in advance to make friends with Angela, didn't I? I don't want to make things difficult for you if you have a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law relationship in the future!"

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship? It was impossible for her to marry Edward. How could she even consider the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?


When Angela was about to explain again, Edward said coldly: "you think too much. Even if we get married, you don't have much time to get along with each other. There is no possibility of contradiction."

Then he pushed Angela into the room and locked the door. Angela wanted to stop him and explain to them that she didn't have that relationship with Edward, but she didn't have time to explain.

After locking the door, he asked: "did my mother say anything strange to you?"

Angela was still remain on thinking how to explain, so she replied: "what are you talking about, Edward? What do you mean by 'even if we get married, you don't have much time to get along with each other'? Get out of my way. I'll explain to Auntie. We are not in that relationship!"

"Aren't you going to do the academic research? If you are doing academic research, you must be very busy. How can you have time to accompany your family?"

"If I can really get into the college and do the academic research, there is indeed no time... Wait? incorrect! My academic performance has nothing to do with your family!"

Edward almost tricked her!

She wanted to push him away from the door. "Get out of the way! I have to explain to her! In case she mistakenly thinks that I'm your girlfriend, it's not good for you to find a girlfriend!"

Originally, he was very patient this morning. But when he went back to the company just now, he saw a bunch of flowers on Angela's desk. He asked Yvonne: "what's wrong with these flowers?"


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms