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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 90

She had just been humiliated and was still angry. How could he have the face to flirt with her again?

Angela pushed his hand away and took a step back: "Who is as boring as you? !"

He was bored? He pursued her so seriously, just because he was afraid that she would be cheated by Chuck. It turned out to be a boring thing in her eyes! She didn't understand amorous feelings at all!


He sighed.

It was the first time that she had heard him sigh. She felt it a little strange. It seemed that he, an otherworldly man, would sigh?

At this time, Anna outside said something. Because of the good sound insulation, Angela couldn't hear it clearly. She wanted to go out, but was surrounded by Edward. Angela raised her head and asked: "can you let me go?"

He turned his body aside and saw her walking past him. He asked: "did my mother make any strange request to you?"

At the mention of this, Angela realized that she hadn't told him yet.

"Nothing strange. Auntie asked me to go shopping with her."

"You agreed?"

"You came back before I could say yes."

"Don't say yes!" He suddenly felt a little nervous.

"Why?" Is it just eating and shopping? She thought for a while and said: "how about this, Edward? It took you about four hours to change the medicine for me in the past seven days. Now I also spent four hours with your mother. Is this a reward for you?"

He had never thought of asking her to pay him back. Even if she wanted to pay back, she shouldn't have accompanied his mother!

"I changed the medicine for you. How can you pay back by accompanying my mother?"

Judging from his tone, was she going to accompany him? She would rather go shopping with Anna than go shopping with him!

"I suddenly remember something. Did you know that aunt had something to do with the broken glass last time?"

Edward looked away. Angela knew that he was guilty, so she said: "you're right to let me take the blame, which almost made me unable to stay in the DC Capital Group!"

She felt wronged at the thought that he scolded her for being uneducated at that time.

"I didn't know it until later." He felt very guilty when he knew that his mother broke the glass, but he didn't know how to apologize.

Before he figure out how to apologize. He didn't want her to meet his mother again. When he took her to see his grandmother, the time was staggered! But he didn't expect that it was his mother who disturbed him.

"Look, if it weren't for the glass thing that delayed my study progress, I wouldn't have worked overtime to study. If it weren't for the study, how could I go home so late? If I didn't come back so late, how could I meet a bad guy who hurt my foot? So, to tell you the truth, I didn't need to pay you back for helping me change the medicine, but! I'm kind. How about this? I'll go shopping and have dinner with aunt as a way to repay your favor. And I don't care about the cup thing anymore!"

Hearing her analysis, Edward knew that she was talking nonsense! She went to the library because he was here. She was better at playing tricks than Hilda!

He was being kindness and didn't want her to be deceived by his mother to do strange things. But she didn't appreciate his kindness. In that case, let her feel how terrible his mother was.

He came to his senses and looked at her with a hint of interest in his eyes. "I have no objection, but I'm afraid that you will regret it!"


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