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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 92

Angela had thought that she would just have dinner with Anna, but when the waiter pushed the door of the box, there were four women sitting inside. They were fat or thin, but they all wore expensive clothes.

"Hey! You finally came. We has been waiting for you for the whole morning. People who don't know you might think that you have taken your daughter-in-law to have a plastic surgery! " Among them, the slightly fat woman in a white dress grinned.

Angela sensed the irony in her words and felt uncomfortable. Anna was not surprised. She took Angela to the table and said with a smile, "This young girl is not the same as the old. It's normal for her to spend more time outside!"

The fat lady in the white dress was speechless, her face darkened.

"That's it! She is in love with Moo moo. He is full of energy. How can they get up early in the morning? " The woman in beige silk shirt and dark green loose pants was the most graceful one except Aunt Anna. Then she looked at Anna. It was obvious that she had a good relationship with Anna.

"You will scare the young girl if you talk like this." The woman wearing a red dress mediated a dispute, looked very gentle and decent.

Angela was indeed frightened. These aunts were at their age, what nonsense were they talking about?

"Linda, isn't your daughter in law studying abroad? When will she come back? " The fat lady in the white dress asked the lady in the red dress who was Linda Li, but she smiled at Anna at first and then looked at Linda.

"What studying abroad! It was a study tour! How can't you tell the difference between study tour and studying abroad! " Although the aunt in white silk shirt had a smile on her face, her eyes were full of contempt.

Linda Li replied awkwardly, "Oh! It's a study tour. She will be back next month. "

"How luck Linda is! Her son came back from abroad and married a wife who also came back from abroad. And I guess that she'll have a second grandson next year! "

In the past, when Anna showed off her son's education and ability, Winnie Yuan couldn't bear it the most! Now, among them, only Anna's son was not married. Of course, Winnie Yuan would catch this to be ironic.

Linda Li knew what Winnie Yuan was thinking. She usually didn't like Anna showing off her rich and her omnipotent son. Although her son was not as good as hers, he was at least a normal man! Linda Li was quite proud, but still showed a modest smile. "How can you say so? He of course cannot catch up with Moo moo. He was just in his twenties when he got his doctor's degree! Now, the money that Moo moo earned is enough for Anna to spend several lifetimes! "

"Moo moo is so excellent. No girl in the world deserves him. Otherwise, he won't be alone till now! " Every time Winnie Yuan had a party, she would talk about this topic.

"Alone? Anna has brought his wife here to meet us! " The woman in white silk shirt spoke for Anna again and her name was Fiona Gu.

With an elegant smile, Anna introduced, "This is Moo moo's girlfriend, the bride to be. All of you have been looking forward to the wedding of Moo moo and the day finally comes! "

Hearing the introduction, Angela was almost chocked by her own saliva. She was embarrassed. She couldn't denied it, but it was not true! Being stared at by several people and unable to not respond, Angela could only stand up somewhat uneasily. Although she was embarrassed, she still greeted politely, "Hello, every sister. My name is Angela Xu."

It was not Angela's flattery. These rich women really took good care of themselves and she didn't think it was appropriate to call them aunts! Most importantly, now women cared so much about being called old, so she didn't want to offend them.

"Ha-ha... Anna, this kid is really good at talking! " Fiona Gu smiled and asked, "Did Moo moo save the world in his previous life? In addition to that he is talented, his wife is also much better than others! "

Hearing this, Linda Li covered her mouth and smiled, but Winnie Yuan pulled a long face. Anna patted Fiona Gu and smiled, "You are the most talkative!"


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