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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 91


"You can set off early. I've booked a table for dinner at Bruce's restaurant. I'll pick you up at that time." Addison knew that Angela wanted to explain their relationship, so he interrupted her. Because now that Angela met his mother and was misunderstood as his girlfriend, it was not easy for her to get rid of him! That's good. Chuck will get the news soon. Although he won't shrink back because of this according his character, at least he should be given a warning!

Lucas looked at Edward in confusion. Having been working for him for so many years, Lucas knew Edward was a man of few words and he rarely interrupted others halfway. But now, it was obvious that Mr. Edward didn't let Angela continue on purpose. But what did Angela want to say?

Hearing that Angela's foot was injured, Anna proposed to directly go to have lunch at the appointed restaurant.

Angela checked the time and asked in surprise, "Aunt Anna, isn't it too early?"

"After I dress you up, it will be almost at time!"

"Dress up?" Wasn't it too exaggerated to dress up just for a lunch?

However, Anna took her to a hair care, and Angela was very suffering to finish the spa, thinking that it was over. Looking at her smooth and glossy hair, Anna was very satisfied. Just when Angela thought they was going to have dinner, Anna took her to a beauty salon.

Angela knew that if getting in, she could not get out without one or two hours. She shook her head to resist, but was still pushed in by Anna. As soon as she entered, the waiter who received her said respectfully, "Miss Angela, you can take off your clothes now."

Angela was stunned. "Take off my clothes? !"

"Yes, we will do a whole body spa for you."

Angela shook her head desperately and was about to rush out, but was stopped by Anna. "Girls' skin is very important. Even if it's not on your face, you should take good care of it."

"Aunt Anna, I think my skin is good enough now!" Angela made a helpless face.

"You should start skin care when you are young, because when you get old, you can't get it back! You are still young and Moo moo was not tired of you. But if your skin turns bark and the little girl outside has a smooth skin, I'm afraid that Moo moo will change his heart. "

"It's none of my business whether he changes his mind or not..." Angela finally understood the reason why Edward said that.

"How can you say so? Even if you can ignore it, you can't let yourself go like this! "


Before Angela could explain, Anna ordered them, "Hurry up! We are in a hurry! "

"Aunt, aren't we in a hurry? How about we leave now? " Angela didn't want to take off her clothes and show her body to so many people!

However, Anna knew what she was thinking. Seeing that Angela was about to slip out, she winked at the staff. So, in Angela's scream, they dragged her into the room and stripped her clothes.

Half and an hours later, Angela was done. She stood in front of the mirror, wrapped in a bath towel. Anna looked at her face, neck, collarbone, arms, and shins, and nodded with satisfaction. "You has a good basis in skin, but you take few care of them."

Angela was also surprised. After their care, her skin was much more delicate.

"No one's skin can be better or worse than others when they are eighteen years old, but once they are more than twenty-five years old, women's beauty will be made up of money!" Then she touched Angela's shoulder and said, "I didn't expect you to be a beauty. Your figure and skin are just hidden by your clothes! No wonder Moo moo treats you differently! "


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms