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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 98

"Edward, I... I don't plan to get married all my life. I just want to do what I want to do." This time, she didn't push him away, but answered him seriously.

Not married? Do what you want to do? Who told her that she couldn't do her own thing after getting married? How could she think so?

He moved his thin lips, but before he could say anything, he just let go of her slightly.

She had to face it. Not to mention whether she had feelings for Edward or not, even if they didn't care about the money, ability and other aspects, just as Anna said, as soon as Edward's birthday was celebrated this year, he would be thirty-five. He needed a woman who could marry him as soon as possible, but how could she know when she would pass the exam? If not this year, I will take the examination next year; if not next year, I will take the examination the year after next year... After she passed the examination, she would have to study for three years. Three years later, maybe she wanted to continue her study.

Marriage was different from study and career. It was not a result that could be calculated by probability. It was not like a postgraduate entrance exam or a job. As long as she worked hard, she could do it. Angela didn't want to give herself a hopeless hope. At last, she lost her dream and her life.

"I'm still so young. Even if I'm going to get married, it will be ten years or at least seven or eight years later. You know very well that the Yan Family won't let you wait."

Edward frowned and stared at her eyes seriously. For a while, he was lost in thought.

From the beginning to the end, he and Angela were in line with each other. Although he ignored what she said just now, he could understand her when she said it.

After waiting for ten years, he finally met a woman who made him fall in love with. It was not that he didn't want to wait, but that he couldn't promise her. He knew very well that his father would not let him wait like this.

In the past, he was just like her, with a dream and without hesitation. But he was deprived of his dream by his responsibility. Every time he saw her trying to chase her dream, his heart would beat very fast, as if he had seen himself in the past. So he didn't want her to live a life arranged by others like him.

Seeing that he was silent, she thought he acquiesced in Anna's arrangement. Somehow, she felt a little disappointed. But maybe she had expected him to make such a choice, so she didn't feel sad.

She restrained her sadness and smiled: "thank you very much, Edward!"

Thank you for being an episode in my boring life, which made me feel pampered unprecedentedly.

There was a kind of balance in the world. If she wanted to get something she liked, she must lose something. Angela didn't want to bet her whole life on his love.

"For what?" He asked with his brows slightly loosened.

"Thank you for giving me a job!" When it came to work, she remembered something important. "Well... Can I go to work tomorrow?"

He didn't allow her to go to work because of her injured foot. But if it went on like this, her salary would be deducted!

"I won't deduct your salary." He said lightly.

She was stunned and frowned: "No way? The DC Capital Group follows the rules, doesn't it?"

According to the rules was indeed, Edward only used his own money to make up for her deducted salary.

He didn't answer her question, but stared at her. Edward firmly believed in the law of conservation of mass. Since he liked Angela, he had to accept her as a woman who didn't accept other people's kindness casually.

Therefore, except for the extra salary he deliberately gave her, he only gave her a cell phone. She accepted it because he broke it.

Angela was not the kind of woman that could be get by money. What made him even more headache was how should he spend money and take care of her so that she wouldn't feel uneasy and gradually trust and rely on him.

After a while, he came to his senses and rubbed her head: "Maybe I owe you in my previous life!"


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