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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 99

However, Edward went straight into his office.

Angela felt a little uneasy, thinking about how to deal with him if he came to her. At this time, Yvonne looked at her from Edward and said, "Mr. Edward doesn't look well. Does he jealous?"

"Even if he has to drink something in the early morning, it should be coffee! Why does he jealous?" She was amused.

"I think he is jealous! You've been receiving flowers every day for more than a week. How can Mr. Edward not be jealous?" All the people in the office thought Mr. Edward and Secretary Angela were together. That's why Yvonne said that.

"Is this flower for me?" Angela looked at the two bunches of flowers, one was tulips and the other was baby's breath.

"The seven bunches of white roses were thrown away because Mr. Edward said that the fragrance of the flowers had polluted the air. How could the fragrance of flowers pollute the air? It's obvious that Mr. Edward is in a bad mood!" At the thought of Mr. Edward's jealous face, Yvonne would imagine the sweet scent of him and Angela and she smiled ambiguously at her.

Angela frowned and picked up the cards on the two flowers, ignoring the sincere wishes on the cards. The signature was 'Si'.

She thought for a long time and couldn't remember that there was a word 'Si' in the name of someone she knew. She put the card back into the flower and said, "it was most probably sent to the wrong person!"

"It's been a week in a row. How can they make such a mistake?"

"It must be a mistake!" Said Angela. She looked at the small table and sighed, "what a pity for these flowers!"

As she spoke, she wanted to throw the flowers away. Yvonne stopped her, "Hey, hey! Do you want to throw it away?"

"This is not for me. There's no room for them!"

"Don't throw it away! I'll take it to the tea room and ask the maid to put it in a vase. I want to improve the appearance of the tea room!" Yvonne smiled.

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

The two of them took a bunch of flowers in their hands and went to the tea room. Seeing that the cleaner was not there, they directly inserted the flowers into the bottle. Yvonne asked curiously, "are you sure it's the wrong delivery?"

"It should be! None of my friends' names has the word 'Si'!

"Send them here on time at ten o'clock every day. I don't think so! Is it possible that the word 'Si' is not the name of the flower deliverer?"

That's right!

"If it is just a normal friend, why does he send flowers here for a week in a row? The person who sent the flowers must be a pursuer!" Yvonne said.

Angela, "the pursuer is so careless that he doesn't even know he sent the wrong person!"

As the two of them talked, they went back to their office. At this time, they happened to meet someone knocking on the glass door. The delivery man asked them if they could open the door with a bunch of flowers in his hand.

When they opened the door, the elevator door on the side opened and Edward came out.

Before the delivery guy could ask, "is Angela here?" He asked the delivery guy, "who is this flower for?"

Yvonne and Angela were rendered speechless.

The delivery guy said, "it's for Miss. Angela."

Yvonne was a little excited and asked, "is the person who sent the flowers surnamed 'Si'?"

"I don't know!" The delivery guy said.

At this time, Edward had reached out his hand and said to the delivery guy, "give me the flowers."


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