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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 202

Chapter 202: This is my marriage certificate to Alva 

A taxi drove down the road. Jackson sat back, eyes closed, to rest. 

Suddenly, his cell phone rang. 

He opened his eyes. picked up the phone, saw the name bouncing on the screen, swiped the answer button, and looked out the window. 

“Ma,” he said. 

“Jackson, are you back?” 

“On the way.” 

“That’s good, Mom thought you weren’t back yet, when are you coming?” 

Jackson looked at the time and said, “About ten minutes.” 

“Soon, you didn’t eat lunch, Mom will cook it for you now.” 


After hanging up, Flora immediately goes to the kitchen. 

Jackson put the phone away and lowered the window. 

Just as the window was lowered, a Bentley drove past him. 

He looked into the rearview mirror. 

A black Bentley quickly disappeared from view, but he could tell it was Uriah’s car. 


Jackson looked ahead, the road was going to the Howard Family. 

If he’s right, Uriah went to his house. 

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Uriah looked further and further into the rear-view mirror at the taxi and turned her eyes to look ahead, her dark eyes without any emotion. 

Jackson arrives home soon, and Flora hears the noise and runs out. 

Seeing the driver take the luggage down, she hurried over, “Mom, come on.” 

He took the suitcase and called to the man inside. “Mary, come and 

take the master’s suitease inside.” 

“Yes, ma’am.” 

Mary comes out quickly and takes the suitcase away. Flora looks at Jackson and says, “Let Mom have a good look.” 

This time was different. She had not seen him for a few days, and she was worried. 

Flora sees that Jackson has lost weight. 

“Jackson, why are you losing weight?” 

Uriah touched his face and frowned. 

Jackson took her hand off and said, “Uriah’s here?” 

Flora pauses and says, “How do you know?” 

“I saw his car when I came back.” 

Flora thought about the time. Indeed, Jackson returned shortly after Uriah and Bella had left. 

There’s a good chance the two will run into each other. 

“Well, he came with Bella.” 

“What’s he doing here?” 

Flora looked at his faint eyes and sighed. “You never asked Uriah when he came, but now you ask him when he comes.” 

Jackson looked at her. “Because he’s my rival.” 

It’s different. 

Flora said, “Jackson, Uriah and Bella are getting married this year, and I think…” 

Jackson interrupted. “Mom, never make a decision until it’s final.” 

Especially when it comes to Uriah. 

Flora’s lips moved and she said, “Go upstairs and wash up. I’ll go into the kitchen.” 

The food isn’t ready yet. 



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