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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 337

Chapter 337 is just trying to get her heart 


Vicky burst out. 

Vicky did not speak again after leaving the Alva ward. 

And now suddenly. 

Jackson stopped and turned to look at her, waiting for her to continue. 

Vicky moved her finger and said, “Why?” 

Jackson put his hands in his pockets. “Why did I bring you out?” 

Vicky nods. 

When Jackson arrived at the psychiatric hospital, he told her who he was and why he was there. 

When she heard this, she went with him. 

That hospital was horrible. 

She was afraid. 

She didn’t want to stay a moment. 

She believed that even when her enemies came, she would beg her to let herself out. 

But after Jackson left, Jackson took her to another hospital, and she was afraid of hospitals. 


She ran from the hospital, but he stopped her. 

He said he didn’t want to prove he wasn’t mentally ill. 

She didn’t run. 

She had to prove she wasn’t mentally ill. 

None of those things the doctor said. 

She didn’t! 

She went. 

Then the tests came back, and Jackson said I’d take you to Alva first thing in the morning. 

Then he left. 

He put her up in a hotel for people to watch. 

Then one night, she didn’t sleep, her mind was in a daze. 

In the morning, when she met Alva, her brain gradually recovered. 

Until now, she was wide awake. 

She realized how much Jackson disliked her. 

I hate her. 

I wouldn’t even look at it again. 

If Alva hadn’t asked him to take himself out, he wouldn’t have cared at all. 

And she knew why he hated himself. 


She hurt the people he loved the most. 

Because of this, she felt that even if he was willing to listen to Alva, he could do it himself without trying so hard. 

She thinks he’s up to something. 

She wanted to know. 

All of a sudden. 

Jackson looked at her with no heat in his eyes and no expression on his face. 

He was like an ice cube, his whole body released cold. 

“I want Alva’s heart, and I’ll listen to her even if I want you to suffer.” 

Vicky stood there, stunned and motionless. 

What kind of love makes a person even hate can be let go? 

Jackson got in his car, started the car and drove to Alva’s hospital. 

Suddenly, the phone rang. 

He answered. 


“I’ll tell you what, Jackson, that girl you brought in last night, I’d recommend treatment.” 

“Although she is not a problem, if she is not treated, I am afraid that something will irritate her, and it will be serious.” 

“No, she’s mentally strong.” 

“What you’re saying is that if you’re mentally strong, you won’t get this disease.” 

“I’m driving here. We’ll talk later.” 

“You… Well, get together sometime.” 



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