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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 338

Chapter 338: When He loves You, He will love you and spoil you 

On Alva’s fifth day in the hospital, doctors removed the gauze from her neck. 

Jackson looked on, his eyes fixed on her neck. 

When the last layer of gauze was removed, Alva’s thin, white neck was exposed. 

It’s just under her left ear. There’s a scar there. 

Not much, only a third of the size of the pinky. 

But it was one of those cuts that almost killed Alva. 

Jackson looked at the wound and clenched his hand. 

Alva looked at Jackson’s sunken face and took his fist in his hand. 

Jackson, look at her. 

When he saw those gentle eyes, the anger in his heart disappeared little by little. 

The doctor said: “recovery is very good, can talk, can also eat, but eat food can only cat liquid food, can not eat chewing, too much chewing will involve the wound, is not conducive to wound recovery.” 

“Okay, anything else to note?” 

Jackson asked. 

“Yes, you can talk, but you can’t talk too much, especially yelling, 


which is a big no-no.” 

“Got it.” 

The doctor also told him what to do, and Jackson took it to heart. 

The doctor leaves 

Alva looked at Jackson “Jackson.” 

She spoke, her voice hoarse, like a broken voice 

Jackson looked at her neck and said in a tight voice, “Well, did you pull it when you said that?” 

For the vocal cords to produce sound, they pull the neck. 

He was worried 

Seeing how nervous he looked. Alva laughed, “No, I’m not talking very loud, I won’t hurt the wound.” 

Jackson was relieved to hear the smile and lightness in her voice. 

But, “Remember what the doctor just said? You can’t talk too much in a day.” 

Alva asked with bent lips and a full smile, “Are you going to limit me to a few words a day?” 

Jackson nodded gravely. “Yes.” 

Alva stroked her forehead. She was joking. 

But he was serious. 

Just before 10:00, GA came to the hospital. 


GA returned to A city yesterday. 

After returning to A city, the first thing I came to see her, and when I saw her thin appearance, I almost cried. 

Alva comforted her for a while. 

“Alva, are you better?” 

GA comes in with nutrients. 


Alva spoke. 

GA heard her and gasped. 

Quickly reacting, she quickly threw things away and ran over, “Alva, can you talk now?” 

Alva’s voice was different when she first started speaking, but it’s much better now. 

Pretty much the same as before. 

“Well, the doctor said that after two more days of observation, no problems can be discharged.” 

‘That’s wonderful! 

“I just hope you get well soon, you are in the hospital, you are all skin and bones.” 

GA said, frowning. 

Seriously, you can tell this guy’s skinny right away. 

Thin people love dearly. 

Alva curved his lips. “It’s okay. It’ll grow back.” 

She’ll be fine as soon as she starts cating. 

GA hugged her. “Alva, I like you fat. I don’t like you thin.” 

In Alva’s eyes, Vicky is a child and GA is a lively girl. 

Good personality. 

“I know, I’ll be fine.” 

Jackson washed the fruit out and said, “Don’t talk too much.” 

Alva smiled helplessly. 

Jackson’s a supervisor now, and he’s on to her every word she says. 

“Got it.” 

GA see two people feeling so good, can not help but envy. 

She also wants a good love, marriage. 

Jackson looked at GA. “What to drink? I’m going to make juice.” 

Alva could not eat the fruit directly, so he squeezed the juice for her. 

GA said, “Do you have any oranges? I drink orange juice.” 


Then he looked at Alva, “You have orange juice, too. Take your vitamin C.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

Jackson took the washed fruit to juice, GA secretly said: “Alva, brother 


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