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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 347

Chapter 347: I don’t want to see each other 

Candice came to see Pops today. 

I can’t help it. I was busy. I didn’t have time. 

Now when it’s empty, it comes back immediately. 

But she didn’t expect to see Alva. 

At the front door, Jackson walks Alva in, carrying some nourishment for Pops. 

And Flora walks a little ahead of them. 

When they came in, they saw Glenn and Candice sitting in the living 


Alva saw Candice and stopped. 

And Candice’s face changed. 

If there’s anyone she hates the most in her life, it’s Alva. 

None of them. 

Just so many things are out of her control. 

Candice turned cold, turned her head, and picked up her coffee cup to drink. 

Alva’s lips were pursed and her face was bad. 

She wasn’t expecting to see Candice here. 

Not at all. 

Jackson squeezed Alva’s hand, giving her strength. 

He’s gonna tell her he’s here. It’s okay. 

Flora, on the other hand, looks at Candice with mixed expressions, from her initial surprise to her present discomfort. 

She didn’t expect Candice to be here today. 

Between a few people, the atmosphere is a little delicate. 

But Glenn didn’t feel it. He looked at Alva as Jackson held her hand. 

The servants were the first to react. 

“Why are you standing at the door and not coming in?” 

‘said the servant with a smile. 

Flora responds, “Jackson, what are you doing standing there? Take Alva to your grandfather.” 

Candice’s face turned cold when she heard Flora say this. 

Look at Grandpa. Is she a match? 

Jackson squeezed Alva’s hand and led Alva to Glenn. “Grandpa, I’ve brought your granddaughter-in-law to see you.” 

Glenn looked excited at Alva. 

Alva looked at Glenn, her face recovered but apologetic. “Grandpa, I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you until now.” 

Her voice was soft and even, and it was comforting to hear. 

Glenn said, “That’s okay! You young people have your own careers and are very busy every day, Grandpa understands!” 

Glenn smiled kindly, and Alva smiled too. 

“This is a string I made. It’s not a valuable thing, but I hope Grandpa can always be safe.” 

Alva takes out a box and hands it to Glenn. 

Glenn took it and opened it. Inside the box lay a rope. There was nothing extra. It was made of red thread. 

It’s a good one. It looks like it was made with heart. 

Glenn’s face suddenly wrinkled with laughter, “Your grandpa received, grandpa likes it!” 

It’s the thought that counts, and Glenn was delighted with this handstring. 

“Sit down, sit down! 

When they were still standing, Glenn said quickly. 

Jackson sat Alva down with her supplements next to him and said, “My grandson’s got a present too, but seeing how much he likes Alva’s presents, I’m afraid he won’t be able to give them away.” 


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