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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 348

Chapter 348: The End of Patience 

“What’s your name, son?” 

Glenn asked, smiling kindly. 

Alva said, “My name is Alva.” 

Glenn nodded, the creases in his face deepening. 

“Grandpa has not met your parents, some time to call your parents, our two families together for a potluck.” 

Hearing this, Alva stopped and began to speak. 

At that moment, a bare sound fell into my ears. 

Alva froze. 

The sound came from Candice. 

And because of this sound, the living room and the happy atmosphere disappeared, sitting on the sofa several people also looked at Candice. 

Except for Alva. 

She came in and told herself that she was then, and this is now, and she just had to ignore Candice. 

But that’s not how Candice sees it. 

Flora frowned as she looked at Candice. 

She knew Candice didn’t like Alva, but this was the Howard Family, 

and she wanted Candice to control it a little bit. 

Jackson’s face faded. 

He used to respect his elders, but now he feels that this respect is personal. 

Glenn looked at Candice with a confused look in his eyes. “Candice, are you sick?” 

Candice brushed away the mockery and said with a smile, “No, I just drank my coffee so fast that I choked. Sorry, Pops.” 

She got up and said, “I’ll go to the bathroom and you can talk.” 

Glenn nodded. 

Candice went to the bathroom, and the atmosphere outside was warm again. 

But listening to the voice in the living room, her mouth cold. 

Meet Alva’s family? 

With a family like that, her ears are too dirty to hear. 

The atmosphere in the living room became better, and several people’s faces returned to normal. 

Unknowingly into the evening. 

Flora and Jackson and Alva naturally stay at the old house for dinner. 

And Candice left early. 

She said it was something, but Alva knew that she didn’t want to be with her. 

That’s just as well. 


And she doesn’t want to be with Candice. 

At dinner that evening, everyone had a great time, especially Glenn, who never stopped smiling. 

Alva was in a good mood when Glenn laughed. 

Overall, Alva was content to come to the Howard Family today. 

It’s just 

“I didn’t prepare anything for your rush to marry Jackson. You can take this.” 

Glenn handed her a box. 

The outside of the box is beautifully carved and lifelike, and it is worth a lot of money at a glance. 

Alva immediately said, “Glenn, I can’t have that.” 

This thing is too valuable. 

When Glenn saw her refuse, he said, “You gave me something and I didn’t refuse it. I gave you something and you refused it. 

Alva said, “Glenn, my gift is not expensive at all. This is too expensive for me to accept.” 

He looked at Jackson and asked him to talk to Glenn. 

Jackson said, “Alva, take it. It’s from Glenn.” 

Glenn was pleased when she said it. “I like to hear that.” 

Alva didn’t know what to say. 

This is really too expensive. 

288 Vouchers 

Flora resists her and says, “We all have this in the Howard Family. You are now the Howard Family’s daughter-in-law. You have to take it.” 

Alva couldn’t refuse. She took it with both hands. “Thank you, Glenn.” 

When she took it, Glenn burst into a chuckle. 

‘Good, good boy! 

The couple chatted with Glenn for a while and then went back. 

By this time, night had completely enveloped the city. 

In the car. Flora says to Alva, “A lot has happened before, and some things have been delayed, but today you are all back and have time, Mom just asked you.” 

Jackson is driving, Alva is in the passenger seat and Flora is in the back. 

Hearing her, Alva said, “Flora, speak.” 

Jackson looks at Flora in the rearview mirror. 

Flora leaned forward and said, “Flora also knows that young people don’t like to live with the older generation, and even though you don’t live in Washington now, you will always come back, so I thought I would buy you a wedding house, decorate it, and when you come back, you can live in the wedding house if you want, and you can live with us if you want.” 

It’s all the same, mostly because they’re young people. 

Alva hears Flora say this and looks at Jackson. 

She didn’t think it was necessary. 

And Jackson also said that they settled abroad. 

But instead, Jackson said, “Get one.” 

Alva froze. 

Flora nodded. “Well, tomorrow we’ll look at the house.” 

the car soon stops at the Howard Family and a few people get off. Flora says, “It’s getting late. You’re in a hurry to get back today. 

Alva, “Well, Flora, go to bed early, too.” 

“We’re going upstairs,” Jackson said. 

“Yes, go.” 

Two people upstairs, Flora looked at, see two people completely disappeared upstairs, Flora immediately called the assistant, let her find real estate. 

She’s buying Jackson and Alva a wedding house. 

Alva and Jackson went back to the bedroom. As soon as the door closed, Alva asked, “Aren’t we going to be living abroad? Why prepare a wedding house?” 


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