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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 376

Chapter 376: Yes, I miss Him 

Several of them are foreigners. 

White skin. 

She looked over and several people were looking at her. 

Seeing her looking at them, several people immediately turned their heads and got up to say leave 

Shortly after, several people left the restaurant 

I looked at her when I left the restaurant 

It was a look of wonder, doubt, mockery, disbelief 

Seeing this look. Alva clenched her hand slightly 

Is there something else going on? 


A hand waved in front of her eyes and Alva reacted, looking at GA. 

‘What’s the matter? 

GA sat down and wondered, “Alva, what’s wrong with you? I watched it all the time and didn’t move. 

Alva’s eyes moved and the look returned. “No, I just thought of something.” 

‘What is it? 


“Your brother-in-law.” 

GA said, laughing. “Alva, you haven’t seen Jackson all morning and you miss him, have you?” 

Alva laughs. “Yeah, I miss him.” 

“Ouch, so sweet, so sweet I want to fall in love.” 

Listening to her exaggerated voice, Alva patted her head, “OK, eat.” 

GA looked at Alva’s face and tutted twice, “Alva is thin-skinned and shy.” 

Alva was helpless. 

What’s so shy about her? 

Venus looks at the two of them, holding the knife and fork hands slightly tight. 

After dinner, Alva will go back to the design studio, GA pulled her out, “Alva, don’t stay in the design studio all day long, come out and breathe fresh air.” 

Alva was forced out by her and said, “Did Jackson tell you that?” 

Staring at her every day. 

GA winked. “Yes and no.” 

“Oh, your answer, yes is, no is no.” 

GA shook his head, “Jackson told me a lot. I think Jackson told me a lot, so I added my own understanding on the level of Jackson’s orders.” 

Alva gave a chuckle. 

What a simple thing to make so complicated. 

GA looked at Alva’s smile and winked, “Alva, you know what your smile looks like?” 

Alva gasped. “Huh?” 

“You smile like snow in the sun, full of warm light.” 

It’s so warm. 

Alva patted her head, “Don’t compliment me.” 

GA suddenly said seriously: “Alva, I GA is the kind of person who compliments?” 

One look at her turned serious. Alva remembered something and asked, “What is it with you and Venus?” 

GA suddenly frowns, her face changes in an instant. 

“I don’t want to say.” 

GA turned his head and looked at the front, really did not want to say a face. 

Alva nodded, “It doesn’t matter if I don’t say it, but I want to say that now you two are my assistants, the three of us are a small team, and I hope everyone can be united and help each other.” 

GA’s brow tightened. 

She couldn’t kill Venus to stick together and help each other. 

Alva read her mind and said, “Can’t you?” 


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