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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 377

Chapter 377: He Always Knows How to hurt 

The driver gets out of the car, opens the backseat door, steps out on straight legs, and Uriah in a black suit appears in Alva’s sight. 

In an instant, Alva dug her nails into her palms. 

GA, seeing Uriah, opened her eyes wide and exclaimed. 


Uriah looked over, those dark eyes, just a glance made people afraid. 

GA keeps her mouth shut and hides behind Alva. 

The real Uriah, for the first time. 

It’s even colder than what you see on the Internet. 

She was scared. 

Uriah looked at Alva. Alva’s shadow was reflected in his cold eyes. Alva could see it clearly. 

However, she didn’t want to appear in Uriah’s eyes. 

If she could, she would never see him! 

Alva clenched her hand into a fist and turned to walk into AK. 

Seems to have completely forgotten that AK Uriah owns shares. He’s also her boss. 

When she sees him, she has to say “Boss Irwin.” 

Chapte 177 How How to 

GA saw Alva just walk away, froze, quickly follow up 


Ambrose looked at the figure entering and put his hands in his pockets 

Alva hated Uriah 

He didn’t know this when he didn’t know Alva. 

But after meeting her, he knew 

She hated Uriah She hated him so much. 

Ambrose came over and stood beside Uriah “Come on 

Uriah called him out of the blue yesterday to find out about the new product launch 

He’s never been in charge. He’s always been in charge. 

Now he suddenly said to understand, he was surprised. 

But after the surprise, he didn’t feel anything. 

Whether Uriah really cares about the AK launch or not, he believes he won’t let it go wrong. 

With this in mind, he was at ease with everything. 

Uriah watched Alva disappear from sight and walked in. 

GA catches up with Alva and they get into the elevator. 

Alva simply pressed the door close button, the floor button, and the elevator slowly rose. 

GA looked at Alva, a little confused. 


She knew about Alva’s feelings, but she knew all about them from the Internet, and she didn’t know exactly how. 

But Alva’s feelings were none of her business, and she didn’t care who Alva had been married to before and who she was married to now. 

All she knew was that Alva was a good guy, and she liked Alva. 

That’s enough. 

Just after he said it himself, Boss Irwin looked over and Alva was 


GA clenched her hands, trying to say something, but not knowing where to say it. 


The elevator doors open and Alva steps out. 

GA hurried to catch up. 

Venus is busy in the design room, hears footsteps, looks over and sees Alva and GA coming in one after the other. 

Only they came in with completely different faces than they came out with. 

Venus moves her eyes, looks at Alva, then at GA. She is relieved that GA has made a mistake. 

Turn around and keep busy. 

Alva sat down at her desk and looked at her computer, her face cold. 

In the United States, she met Uriah several times, and she didn’t feel like it was a chance encounter. 

Although it looks like it. 

This time, he came to AK, and it wasn’t a chance meeting. 

What does he want to do? 

Fire her? 

It should be. 

Wouldn’t it be a blow to fire her when she’s got everything designed? 

To get the punishment he gave her. 

That was the case with Uriah. 

Always know how to hurt. 

GA see Alva has been looking at the computer, eyes do not move. 

The deadpan is a little scary. 

She was scared. 

Afraid of such Alva. 

GA couldn’t help herself. She whispered, “Alva.” 

Alva looked at GA. Her eyes were red and wary. 

Alva’s face was calm. “GA, go do your job.” 

After a pause, he said, “I’m a little emotional right now, and it has nothing to do with you.” 

Hearing this, GA suddenly said, “Really?” 

Is it really not about her? 

Alva laughed. “Of course, it’s my personal business.” 

GA bit her lip, moved it, and said, “Alva, don’t think about it too much. I’m with you all the way.” 

“Well, thank you.” 

“Then I’ll be busy.” 

“Go ahead.” 


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